Agricultural chemical group disputes weed killer cancer claim (Glyphosate)


A representative group for Australia's agricultural chemical sector is calling for a World Health Organisation body to clarify research that found one of the most common weed sprays 'probably' causes cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer published a paper in the Lancet Oncology medical journal claiming that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller, was a probable carcinogen.

A representative group for Australia's agricultural chemical sector is calling for a World Health Organisation body to clarify research that found one of the most common weed sprays 'probably' causes cancer.


Hi Sandi , yes I fully believe it .. I try and buy organic and eat no grains ,,,

I don't use any weedkillers Pete.  Cheap white vinegar does the trick.

Wish I had taken a photograph of son in laws lawn after the volcano episode with the  kids in the back yard.  It was completely dead the next morning.

The look on his face when he saw it was worth a million dollars.  I did warn him that the vinegar would kill the lawn off, so make sure you do it where it doesn't matter. 

The moral of the story is your MIL does know what she's talking about.

I grow my own vegetables. Never use any spray or artificial fertilizer.

Not the prettiest of vegies are produced, but very satisfying.

If you practice crop rotation, you do not need to add supplements.

A fine netting over the patch helps keep away the insects and slugs

didnt keep them off your crown jewels DENZEL,   lol lol, 

LOL Catsahoy

youbare one naughty kitten

i couldn't mention the other word, no, I'm shy like that

Definitely believe if you grow your own you are defeating the purpose if you use anything but organic in your garden.

BTW Sandi

Got 21 mangos of my tree this year ... miracles never cease ... only one got attacked through the bag .. I used both commercial ones and ones made out of light shadecloth.

Lucky you.  I ended up sharing my one mango 3 ways.  It was delicious.

Will have to work out how to shield it from the winds next year.  We had a bad storm and winds, so I was lucky to get left with one.

Still it's only the first time for it, so might manage more next year.

Have plenty of quinces though.  Will never be able to use them all and neighbours don't like them, only one and she makes quince paste like me.

Might have to put a sign up on the front fence this year to see if I can get any takers.  It's a shame to put them in the recycle green waste.

where are you sandi,    i love quince,   cook them with pears or apples, they are lovely,

Peter tries to use natural  pest control with our trees also.

At the moment we have SO many beautiful Figs. Our young tree has gone mad this year.

We are very worried about our 11 Conifers in big tubs, as I phoned the Help Line on the radio and the expert thinks they may all have to be destroyed. We are very sad about this, as they are 8 years old, but if they have the disease he said they may have, it is "curtains" sadly. Darn it.

Today " The Valley" is absolutely perfect, with the Autumn sun magnificent.

I had to get rid of some really big in the ground conifers too Phyl, and also a friend had them surrounding his boundary he tried spraying and injecting, he had about 21 fair sized trees but eventually had to cut them down as nothing worked. Lost his privacy in doing so too.

What sort of apples do you use Cats when  you cook quince?

Granny Smith are the best cooking apples.

I live in SA cats.  Bit far away unfortunately.  Otherwise you could have had as many as you want.


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