Yet another terror raid!

Another raid in Melbourne this m is no wonder people are becoming upset.


Australians can count their blessings that yet another threat has been thwarted ...

You have ratbags in all religions who do not understand the message of their founder, and make up their own insane views, This isis seem set on destroying anything or anyone not ISLAM,  Or are they just using Islam as an excuse to take over the Middle East for their own purpose, I wonder how long before the masses realise the damage to Islam before they turn on ISIS.

The brutal killings of Christians does no good for Islam, Have any come out in protest?       or is it more important to protest about nut cases with racial taunts.


ISIS kills muslims and Saudi Arabia does nothing of any value. In Yemen a diferent sect of Islam is gaining control and the Saudis gather other countries to pound them with military force. Iraq has gained territory from ISIS through Iran militia forces on the ground and western bombing.

What a terrible mistake it was to illegally invade Iraq based on a lie. Millions have become refugees and hundreds of thousands dead.

Australia is not the middle east and the present conflict there is sectarian. If I get on public transport I might have to put up with people jabbering on their mobile phone or BO. I do not expect to put up with ignorant racial rants directed at another passenger. I do not often travel on public transport unless going to Melbourne so unlikely for this to happen. In Australia it should not happen. Drunks causing trouble are put off in most caes though how a bus driver is expected to monitor trouble, drive and pull up at designated stops is beyond me. If sober trouble makers know ranting at strangers is unacceptable by the public at large then they will hold their tongue. We do not have to like our fellow citizens but we do need to behave in appropriate manner to co exist.

Your ratbag comment is spot on Seth and also applies to some atheists.

I agree about Iraq, that was a terrible blunder by Bush/Howard . Saddam hussein controlled Iraq firmly, the 'sunnis' were kept under control while the shiites made up the ruling forces, He even paid the warlords [who would blow up pipelines} to protect them, which was succesfull. Bush and his flag''Mission Açcomplished" showed his lack of understanding, Now look at the aftermath.

We have had leaders only too willing to follow America into unnecessary wars.



Geof as an Atheist yourself , what was your last remark all about?

Seth I do agree we should not get involved with wars unless our direct national interests are at risk. 

However I think we need a discussion on using our armed forces for humanitarian purposes . 

Such as when ISAS are slaughtering Christians or Hussein was gassing Marsh Arabs and Kurds.,,

Ratbags do not need a faith to be ratbags. It can apply to those who do not follow a faith.

True but isn't that stating the obvious 

" You have ratbags in all religions who do not understand the message of their founder, and make up their own insane views, "

Yes I think Seth has already said that ?

In his Easter message, David Cameron stated that Britain was a Christian country and that “the church is not just a collection of beautiful old buildings. It is a living, active force across our country.”

The British Prime Minister went on to argue that all schools must teach what it means to be British, which is not surprising given last year’s “Trojan Horse” ­affair, where some Muslim schools in Birmingham were considered in danger of advocating extreme ­Islamic values.

Cameron described British values as “freedom, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, belief in personal and social responsibility and respect for British institutions. Those are the sorts of things I would hope would be inculcated into the curriculum in any school in Britain.”

The argument that Christianity is central to British culture, especially its political and legal systems, is also argued by 22 Christian leaders in a document titled Values: The Characteristics of Our ­British National Identity. Presented to the Queen..

            The characteristics of our British national identity

We affirm the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, equality of every human being before the law, freedom of speech and the rights of all men and women to live free from persecution.

We affirm as a matter of principle and of historical record that these values originate from Judaeo-Christian belief, thought and practice, which has been foundational in these islands.

As such these values have been recognised worldwide as defining our national identity.
The central value in British history and culture, derived from our Judaeo-Christian foundations, is that every human being is created by God of infinite worth and with unique purpose and destiny. Therefore, every man, woman and child is entitled to respect, care, consideration and protection.

Our values, relating to our personal and corporate life, are given substance, and first learned in the family, the original and enduring building block of our society, where mother and father are duly honoured as the primary educators.

Our values embrace respect for the rule of law and equality of all before the law, together with freedom of speech, debate, conscience and religion. Equity has a long and illustrious pedigree for which the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta is a timely reminder.

Our values embrace the utmost respect for human life and the wellbeing of others, compassion and care for the vulnerable, hospitality and mutual interdependence.

Our values derive from the belief that we are all responsible and accountable for our actions, recognising that there are consequences to all that we say and do. Our values encourage every person to seek the common good over and above personal gain, never insisting on our human rights at the expense of our social responsibilities.

Our values are evidenced in mutual trust, truthfulness and integrity. Our word is our bond within all relationships from the home to the marketplace, in civil society and in government. These are complemented by the attitudes of courtesy, compassion and modesty.

Our values applaud and encourage the virtues of commitment to hard work, steadfastness and reliability, in addition to consideration towards the feelings of others.

British history clearly authenticates the role and benefits of Christian teaching and practice. This is evidenced in the struggles to establish the rule of law and to defeat slavery and the slave trade; the establishment of the rights of conscience and the consistent opposition to intimidation, coercion, corruption, tyranny and oppression; the founding of numerous charitable institutions and the upholding of human dignity through the provision of education, health care and welfare. The essential recognition of the spiritual dimension of life provides the clear principles that lead to the honouring of others irrespective of their personal beliefs.

These values bring hope for all people because they reflect the character of the Creator and the created order. We seek actively to promote these values now as fundamental to the health of our national life and to teach and transmit to future generations their validity and their origin in the Judaeo-Christian foundations of our culture.

We call upon people of all faiths and none to subscribe to these values and to affirm and confirm them in daily life, general profession, teaching, an

As expected the people who have been arrested are being been called "terrorists".  We all know from which culture they come from but it appears the ABC and the government all bend over backwards to not use certain words.

It incenses me to think that there are people in our community who want to do such an atrocious thing on a day which is sacred to Aussies....ANZAC Day.

Never before have I known people to be concerned about going to an ANZAC Day commemoration.  

I hope even more people attend than in previous years ...I will be at the Dawn Service with bells on;  no one will keep me from going.

Unfortunately we have both 'sunnis'  and  'shiites ' in Sydney that are already warring among each other ..... nothing to do with ISIS.

..."shits" ??? lol lol - ok just kidding .........  :-)

.......another Mosque set on fire for the second time in Qld!  Someone trying to say something/make a statement ......???

Most probably somebody wanting to collect insurance money.


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