What the perfect body looks like

It’s easy to get caught up in what we believe an ‘ideal’ body type is. It’s even easier to look at our rolls, lines and marks and see all the ways our bodies aren’t like the ideal. So, it’s refreshing to be reminded that what is considered an ideal body type isn’t fixed; it changes all the time. So it’s a completely superficial marker of beauty.

This excellent video demonstrates how the ideal body type for women has changed throughout history, from Ancient Egypt, to the Golden Age of Hollywood through to today.


And because even men aren’t immune to the social pressure, this next video reveals the current standards of beauty facing men around the world today.


What do you think of the changing standards of what ideal beauty looks like? Do you remember seeing how things have changed?


A perfect body is one that gets you up in the morning, gets you from A to B in one piece and doesn't rattle too much when you lay down at night!

If you need a perfect body to be loved very few of us would qualify.

To me the NSB is as beautiful as they come and that is all that counts.

Take it easy.


The perfect body is mostly a subjective judgement, both for and by women and men. Everyone has different preferences in regards to proportions of body parts/areas to make up the end product of what one would consider as "perfect". To each their own.

There is no thing as "a perfect body". It is ,as Fast Eddie points out, a totally subjective judgement by each individual and what appeals to one person does not necessarily appeal to the next. Taking account that the human body changes as it ages and that is unavoidable plastic surgery or no are you going to award "perfection" to a particular age which is a nonsense in itself. Better to look for what is behind the outer shell. 

Who's to say what the perfect body looks like anyway? It's only a personal opinion... so taking that into consideration....

i have....lol

I agree Cranky! Mind you when I look in the mirror I see Chris Hemsworth after I've had a couple of reds!


YA,     im RITA HAYWARTH,     i wish, lol,lol,

something like this ???


Perfect body shape the kanga look LOL


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