The Suicide Tourists

If anyone who watched the programme entitled "The Suicide Tourists" last night on the ABC, sat through the entire presentation and was not deeply moved by the situation that Mary Ewert was placed in, by witnessing the final extinguishing moments of the life of the man she loved and had spent her life with, then I would suggest that they should become a politician and join the other heartless bastards who refuse to allow the terminally ill the right of passage to a dignified and painless finale in a place and a time of their own choosing, instead of the utterly disgraceful option that led the Ewerts to the Zurich "Palace of Dreams".

My heart went out to Mary as she kissed her husband for the final time and watched as he took his final breath, before the blood pressure monitor beeped the "flat- line" message of departure. I was writhing in my chair, with tears running down my face, as I tried to imagine the thoughts running through this poor lady`s mind as the promise of the final event became reality and the time had come to have her husband`s body cremated for her return home with his earthly remains!

The decision to allow filming of this final event was a very brave one for this devoted couple, who had investigated and exhausted ALL acceptable options, and they should be remembered for posterity as true believers in human rights!

This should never have to be carried out in this manner! We have no choice in being born but we do or should have the choice to decide when it is to end. We are all dying and not all of us are assured of a dignified and relatively painless death if left to the tender mercies of the "do- gooders" and the "Right to Lifers".

This is a very emotive issue for society to have to deal with, however deal with it we must and society must accept that a severely injured animal is euthanased as a humanitarian gesture, but our own species are forbidden the right to decide their own choice of voluntary Euthanasia at a time and place of their own choosing!


I find it absolutely appalling that our politicians have the supreme arrogance to try to control the lives of the long suffering terminally ill. As you say, stray dogs get better treatment than their masters in these circumstances. I dont know how we can remedy this unjust and inhumane situation as politicians these days seem to be impervious to the will of voters.

If your old dog is blind and arthritic and you end his suffering, you are considered a kind person. Should you help a loved one end their suffering in much more dire circumstances, you are a murderer. Whoever said "the law is an ass" certainly knew what he was talking about.

OMG I missed that and would have been very interested in it--as someone who has nursed 4 close to me with dreadful deaths--I am in full support of Euthanasia--It is a darn disgrace the way some have to suffer in dreadful pain when it could be peaceful and dignified. There are over 80% that vote for this--and we are NOT listened to --once again!

I saw one on TV a while ago where a British woman and her husband travelled, so that she could put it all behind her. It was very touching to see the video she made as she made her last goodbye to her husband. He wasn't with her when she took that last final step. We should be able to say enough is enough, I want to go, even though I know it is the last thing I will do on earth.

I have seen a report about a WA man, who live in the nursing home,totally paralyzed, feeding through a tube.

He wants to die and the nursing home (not to be punished later) asked the court to make a ruling.

The court ruled, that to give him an injection is not allowed, but if he so wishes they can disconnect his feeding tube and let him starve to death. That's humane for you in this twisted world!

Yes Lark I also saw that--absolutely appalling! The poor man, if we were to do that to an animal we would be in trouble--as we should be--but fine do allow someone that is suffering to starve to death--how bloody ridiculous!

from nor-thur

Re 'The Suicide tourists'.

Pardon me but how bloody sad it is to think that humans have to go to such lengths to end their life when there is no hope. Give me the strength to live long enough that maybe one day there may be a tablet for those of us who don't want to keep living. Please, no do-gooders come back at me and say it's a way for relatives to get rid of people. One would hope that a person would be of sound mind and be able to do it themselves without having to inflict such sadness on another.

I've seen such pain, such hopelessness and I can tell you, if you have one ounce of compassion in you, you that make our laws, you'd do something about it.

You keep complaining about the oldies costing you so much to keep, so much for you to pay for pensions, honestly, you make me sick.

Why is it OK for animals to be put out of their pain when it's OK for a human to suffer? I've had to sit through my beloved, suffering and the family's pain, watching.

How many years does it take to ever forget being asked to put the pillow over the head?

I can still hear the pleading. 'Please kill me'.

Would I have been able to with a permitted tablet, I would have done it immediately.

I will never ever, ever, forget the eyes watching me, begging to die.

And you who make the laws say animals can die without pain but humans can't.

Hand me the tissues. I'm still crying.

I as I said also went through this with the four close to me that I looked after--one being my Husband who suffered unimaginable pain--and was already on very large amounts of morphine--and still in pain, he asked many times to be allowed to go. Even if we could have afforded to we would not have been able to go O/S do do this as he was unable to even walk or clean his teeth--everything had to be done for him. As you said I wish these DO GOODERS would shut up and stop saying that it would be abused--there would be ways to over come this--and at least those suffering would be able to have some dignity and a peaceful death.

nor-thur to Planb.

Hi Planb.

Have you had people tell you to 'get over it', 'cross the bridge', etc. I am really sad when this is said to me as if you have truly loved, you can't possibly ever forget. One tries to move on but as the years go on, unless you have true friends, each day you wake up and think, damn it, I'm still here. As one gets older, one's true friends pass away and the few left sadly do not know who you are. I'm still trying to cross the bridge but all I find is rotten wood. Thank goodness we have our wonderful Seniors pages to look forward to.

Yes nor-thur--- so very true---and there is nothing like old friends I am lucky to still have some left that I have been friends with for 40 to 60 years.

All I can say is as far as the ones that suffered is--"there but for the grace of God go I" I count my blessings every day.

I have never had anyone say "get over it" to me but they really must be hard hearted to have said that.

Can't tell you where I've got the info, but I know how to go, when it gets too hard. Reckon I've got a few more years in front of me yet, but it's good to know that I won't have to suffer, as my sister did in hospital in Bundaberg, Yes , Dr death. Chopped up, left in pain. The mongrel should live the rest of his life in jail, never to be released.

Bev that is so sad--that mongrel--bet he doesn't get what he should get either! I envy you knowing how to go when you need to


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