Interview with Gill Hicks - with Richard Fidler ABCRN - London Bomb survivor.

I heard this replay of Richard Fidler's Conversation with Gill Hicks last night on ABC Radio National and thought I would like to share it.  I found it inspiring and amazing - triumph of the human spirit over incredible adversity.

I recommend it if you hav 53 minutes to listen and internet service to support it. I think it will inspire you.


Richard Fidler talks with Gill Hicks, survivor of the 2005 London Underground bombings.

Gill Hicks was living in London in 2005. One morning she boarded a train on the Picadilly Line. Right next to her in that crowded carriage was a man who was carrying a bomb.

As the bomb detonated, Gill felt as though she was being enveloped in inky blackness. When the emergency lights came on she saw her legs and feet were shattered.

Gill heard two insistent voices in her head: one was female, inviting her to surrender into the peace of death. The other voice was male, demanding that she choose to live.

As Gill waited for help to come, she made a contract with herself to survive. But as she now says, she wasn't fully aware of the 'fine print'.


Today Gill has become close friends with the many police officers and medical staff who saved her life. She says the kindnesses she received from complete strangers is much more important to her than the hateful attack on herself and her fellow passengers.


Have you got nothing better to do?

Go to bed and shut up

Davey. Personal attack.  I will not report. I choose to just bless you. 


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