Its too late

You just have to laugh at this

Or this

Man has a sense of humour and also some interesting ideas on his blog.

Where is Clay he would like these clever combinations


Thats a ripper Val and scary too ............She has to go mate and sooner rather than later .....but she will go ........have a nice day ....clay



Have a look at this Clay - shows it is getting to her even though tries to make out not. Must be an awful situation, those faceless men have to be ploting again.

She should call the election because then she ends up a defeated PM or even not, but not a dumped one.  Certainly then only a month to endure what has to be a stress too far.

Blimey I feel sorry for her even though cant wait to see her government defeated and get back to some sort of normalty. At least on the money front as that worries me - she is close to having no supply - unless Parliament votes to up the cap on borrowing from  300 billions.

We are no longer the wealthy country all the lefties seem to quote as excuse for taking in anyone who lobs up by boat paying out more money than any Pensioner could lay hands on to get here - thousands for boat alone plus airfares to Indo and then living expenses whilst waiting for a turn as thousands queuing. 

Some woman Q&A. Ann Summers an author said we have lots of space and lots of wealth to share.

Emm dry continent only habitable around the coastline and of course finite water which scientists said in 70's was wnough for a population of around 12 million and already up to 23 and short of water for both people and agriculture and we feed 60 million on what we export too as well as ourselves.

Makes you think what on earth is wrong with some Australians get a name for themselves and then get to express their opinions and wrong as allcan be ignorant only quoting from the hymn book of the left who want to see the lot of us under OWG and UN whilst another lot want to see us well we know what dont we - woman wearing burka and men beards.

And worse




your links, refers to Andy Semple.

I am pleased you read all the right wing propaganda . I understand he also writes for Menzies house, another of your favourites.

Did you know he also blogs for the Australian tea party, another crazy loon party. I think you will love reading some of their garbage - right down your alley LOL ,

Now don't forget to look at other items in the tea party site - but don't get too exited - they are a little crazy heheh

You do have a way with words fred and your opinions are not at all well balanced could of course change parties and get with the strength and this coming election will tell a great story for you ..............(.see the dots fred )


What can I say....

You are unable to substantiate your FASCISM ideals, so you turn to childish mockery.

Shows how much you are losing.



I can understand why you call fwed unbalanced, when you are way out on the limb of FASCISM you just can't see things straight, they are all out of kilter.

On what basis of fact you you make those stetements Mus.........the coming elections will tell you guys a story to pass on to your grandchildren that is if you are game






On what basis of fact you you make those stetements Mus .......the coming elections will tell you left wingers a thing or two .........bring them on and see you crow on the other side of your face ..........




The coming elections will show nothing, except that a whole population can be duped by indoctrinating propoganda perpetrated by our Corporate (Foreign) Owned media.

If people are treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed bulldust), they are easy money.  Especially, when we are now fat cats who are becoming a bit greedy and selfish - we are very easy marks.

The Corporate (Foreign) Owned media tells us what the wealthy think and what the wealthy want and we start aligning with them AGAINST ourselves.

If the opposition didn't have their wonderful Corporate (Foreign) Owned media doing their dirty work they would never get into power.  

Why else would, 90% of us ordinary but well off Australians, vote to increase the wealth of the elite few and vote to decrease the wealth and services provided to the rest of us Australians.

Don't worry, the opposition are more than willing to do their dirty work and implement anything these wealthy elite tell them to, once they get into power.  

Abbott has already started practising his rear end kissing at the glittering exclusive $500 minimum per head gala fundraising dinner last night for a right-wing think tank.

This is where Tony Abbott, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch took turns sharing the stage.  Andrew Bold was MC and Tony Abbott was practising genuflecting to Rupert Murdoch in particular.

Fwed is totally set in his ways Clay. ALP to the bitter end which is on course to arrive in Sept or prior depending onwhether they run up against the 300 billion cap on borrwowing prior, cant pay the wages or bills any longer and cant get it lifted.


Andy Semple has common sense - something missing in far too many today certainly in those on government benches in Canberra.

Today's info is

Re Agenda 21 and that is not what we want if we want to stay Australia a sovereign nation of free peoples under our own Constitution.Something the Liberals as a whole need to get rid of too.

Yes Val its true to say that every now and then fred backs himself into a corner and eventually has the decency to back off ..........( more dots fred )

If there is any truth in Polls, we have a problem in Australia.  According to the final word from the unquestionable expert on everything,  Mussitate,  71% of the voting public in Australia are now Fascists.

He still talkes in riddles innes .......a typical ex student ploy .......toss in another furfy and go around in circles ......he should learn the art of honest debate but I doubt that he ever will .........

innes dear chap, thank you for your support for my 'unquestionable' expertise.... that is a real compliment coming from you, however, I think YOU have your figure wrong.

There appear to be quite a few fascists on this site, I must admit.... you (a tad milder) and your cohorts.  Strange how you have aligned with BigVal and clay, they remind me of MidWest Americans.... lacking in a lot of things but certainly fully supportive of the most extreme in right wing politics...eerrrhh fascism.

I will iterate what I said above because it does explain why YOUR figures are wrong old boy...

"The coming elections will show nothing, except that a whole population can be duped by indoctrinating propoganda perpetrated by our Corporate (Foreign) Owned media.

If people are treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed bulldust), they are easy money.  Especially, when we are now fat cats who are becoming a bit greedy and selfish - we are very easy marks.

The Corporate (Foreign) Owned media tells us what the wealthy think and what the wealthy want and we start aligning with them AGAINST ourselves.

If the opposition didn't have their wonderful Corporate (Foreign) Owned media doing their dirty work they would never get into power.  

Why else would, 90% of us ordinary but well off Australians, vote to increase the wealth of the elite few and vote to decrease the wealth and services provided to the rest of us Australians.

Don't worry, the opposition are more than willing to do their (wealthy elite) dirty work and implement anything these wealthy elite tell them to, once they get into power.  

Abbott has already started practising his rear end kissing at the glittering exclusive $500 minimum per head gala fundraising dinner last night for a right-wing think tank.

This is where Tony Abbott, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch took turns sharing the stage.  Andrew Bold was MC and Tony Abbott was practising genuflecting to Rupert Murdoch in particular."

By golly Mus you do protest too much .........Val in particular has you taped and now you can put that in your pipe and smoke it

By the way on what basis of fact do you call members of this forum....." fascists "

Is it perhaps that it takes one to know one......... I asked you this question before but I am still waiting for an honest and a simple answer

You continue to Troll this topic and you continue to go around in circles ........


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