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Energy prices explained

We are bombarded with messages about changing our energy retailer to save money, but the plans are often confusing.

The price you pay for your energy service includes the tariff and any other fees and charges that may apply under your contract.

Some retailers have offers or tariffs that are ‘regulated’, meaning the price is set by the government.

In Queensland, the ACT and Tasmania, you can ask for a contract with a regulated electricity price. 

In New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, there are no regulated offers or tariffs (for electricity or gas), which means that energy retailers set all of their own prices.

What is a tariff?
Your tariff is the amount charged for providing energy under your contract. It includes both fixed and variable charges.

The fixed charge is not based on how much energy you use. It will be separately identified on your bill and is often called the ‘daily supply charge’ or ‘service to property’ charge. It can be displayed as a daily rate on your bill but may appear as a single figure for a billing period.

The variable charge or consumption charge is the amount you pay for each unit of electricity and gas you use. It is listed on your bill as cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for electricity and cents per megajoule (c/MJ) for gas.

It is important to note that different variable charges might apply in the one bill:


The variable and fixed charges that make up the tariff are usually listed on the second page or on the back of a one-page electricity or gas bill. Look in the section where the cost of your bill is calculated.

Energy tariffs can change during a billing period. Your retailer will provide you with written notice of this change, usually with or on your next bill. If this happens, your bill will show you the amount of energy used at the old tariff rate and the amount of energy used at the new tariff rate. If you are unsure about the information on your bill, you should contact your retailer.

Fees and charges explained
Energy contracts can include a number of fees and extra charges. The following are examples of the types of fees that may apply to your energy contract:


When such fees are charged, your retailer will typically list these fees and charges separately on your bill. If you are unsure about any fees that appear on your bill, talk to your retailer.

Do you understand your energy bill? Should companies be forced to offer simplified energy plans?

For more information, visit

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All content on YourLifeChoices website is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It has been prepared with due care but no guarantees are provided for the ongoing accuracy or relevance. Before making a decision based on this information, you should consider its appropriateness in regard to your own circumstances. You should seek professional advice from a financial planner, lawyer or tax agent in relation to any aspects that affect your financial and legal circumstances. 

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