BYO pillow when travelling

Travel as we know it is about to change dramatically for the foreseeable future, and one of the biggest changes will revolve around our luggage.

We are by now accustomed to packing hand sanitiser and wipes and, depending on your level of caution, masks and gloves. – and all of these items will be essential when travelling. There is another item that you will want to consider packing on every trip as well – your pillow.

The use of communal pillows will become particularly problematic in the post-COVID-19 world.

Communal pillows are already known to harbour allergens, dead skin, hair and residual saliva.

Tests that monitor the length of time that the COVID-19 virus remains active on textiles are ongoing.

So, while deep cleaning of hotel rooms may take place, the quickest and easiest-to-control solution will be to take your own pillow when travelling.

Before international flights in and out of Australia shut down most of the major airlines had stopped handing out blankets and pillows, and when things do get started again this is likely to remain in place for some time.

Diane Tipper from SleepKeeper, a company that produces a pillow bag that reduces the size of any pillow by one third, says she expects sales to boom once people start travelling again.

“Over the past few years many customers have purchased my pillow bags because they like to travel with their own pillow for comfort or due to health or chiropractic advice,” Ms Tipper said. “This will definitely change in the future.

“While international travel may be some time away, many people I know are planning holidays on home soil that will involve overnight accommodation. That’s where travelling with your own pillow will make a real difference to warding off potential infection.”

Will you be travelling with your own pillow when you start travelling again? What else do you think you will have to pack to feel safe and comfortable in the post COVID-19 environment?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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