Expat unknowingly violates two Australian road rules that could cost him $272

Navigating the roads in a new country can be a daunting task, with unfamiliar signs and regulations. But for one British expat, it was also costly, after he unknowingly broke two road rules.

The man, who recently made the move from the UK to Sydney, found himself on the wrong side of local laws – quite literally – and was hit with a fine after a day at the beach. He shared his experience on social media and told his followers to learn from his mistakes.

‘Here’s one for [you], never heard of this before. Parked at the beach all day, checked where we parked and it did not say anything about no parking, came back and I have a ticket,’ he said in his video post.

Confused about the ticket left under his windscreen wiper, he spoke to some locals to ask what could his violation be. It was not until he panned the camera around that the issue became apparent – his car was parked facing the opposite direction of traffic, a clear violation of Australian road rules.

‘I have literally never heard of it. In the UK, you can pretty much park how you want as long as you are allowed to park there. I suppose it does make sense though,’ he said.

But the plot thickened as the expat also unknowingly parked too close to a red fire hydrant, another violation that can attract a hefty fine. It is illegal to park within one metre of a fire hydrant to ensure emergency services have unobstructed access.

The expat said the ‘crazy’ parking rule in Australia cost him £100 (~AU$196.24). Image Source: TikTok / Archoz AU

The Shoalhaven City Council issued the ticket and Revenue NSW would be mailing him the fine. The man’s violations were parking in the wrong direction and parking too close to a fire hydrant, which could cost him a total of $272, as each offence carries a penalty of up to $136.

In the UK, parking against the flow of traffic is permissible during the day, with less stringent enforcement at night.

However, in the country, the rules are clear and strictly enforced. This is why NRMA spokesperson Peter Khoury emphasises the importance of understanding local road rules when driving in a foreign country.

‘You do not really need to know why they are there — you just need to abide by them,’ he says.

‘You take a risk by driving in a foreign country and not understanding the road rules so we always encourage people to do their research before they go and drive in another country because there are these sorts of inconsistencies.’

Khoury also points out that such rules are often in place for safety reasons, such as preventing drivers from entering the wrong side of the road to park.

This incident highlights the need for all drivers, particularly those from abroad, to be familiarised with local driving laws to avoid fines and ensure safety on the roads. It is a reminder that what may be a common practice in one country can be a costly error in another.

Have you or someone you know ever been caught out by unfamiliar traffic laws while travelling? Share your experiences in the comments below – your insights could help another driver avoid a similar fate.

Also read: $65,000 parking bill: The cost of leaving your car behind

Floralyn Teodoro
Floralyn Teodoro
Floralyn covers different topics such as health, lifestyle, and home improvement, among many others. She is also passionate about travel and mindful living.


  1. There are a multitude of Parking/No Parking Regulations in addition to the two mentioned here.
    Here are just some Parking Restrictions:- Parking on the Verge, across a Driveway, too close to a driveway, too close to an Intersection / Traffic Lights / Pedestrian Lights, then there are the Yellow Lines on the curb side of the road, Single Solid White Line and Double White Lines in the centre of the road, painted parking spaces, painted Islands, Parking in the Centre of the Road, Reverse Angle Parking (in certain locations) and I have not covered ALL Instances, some are Australia Wide, others, Individual States or Council Regions.
    And I have not delved into Sign Posted Parking Regulations !!!


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