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What your body language reveals

US President Donald Trump has no doubt delighted body language experts who rarely see in world leaders the flamboyancy he displays. In one highly analysed piece of footage – where he shoves his way to the front of a group of world leaders – he appears to have displayed everything from aggression to meekness, the experts surmised.

One described his go-to pose, where he leans his head back and juts his jaw out, as showing the arrogance of someone looking down on others. No wonder he elicits strong reactions from those watching him.

Have you ever been bewildered by a person’s reaction to you while you speak? Is it possible that your body language is sending the wrong (or right) signal? Here are five body language signs that may be revealing more about you than you want to show:

Can you read other people’s body language? Have you ever been wrongly accused of something because of your body language?

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