Housing Development for one culture only!

In this day and age where people cry "discrimination" at the drop of a hat; how come this has been allowed to proceed.

I also believe there is an Indian development in the pipline as well.

Is this the new "multi-culturism" in Austrtalia?

"PEOPLE have slammed a new development in Melbourne, calling it “a ghetto of Islam”.

A block in Melton South will be transformed into housing targeted at the Islamic community, with 75 separate lots and a mosque built in the middle of the neighbourhood.

It’s called Iqra Village and is said to become Victoria’s largest faith-based housing.

The development, which featured on A Current Affair on Monday night, sparked a lot of outrage on social media and there were myriad racist comments, with some even saying it shouldn’t be allowed.

“What a joke. If Australians build an Australian only suburb, we would all be racists,” a comment on Twitter said."

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Interestingly some countries in Europe are introducing laws which direct the areas where immigrants are to live to stop these ghetos forming. Also learning the country's language is compulsory to enable the immigrants to INTEGRATE as multicultrism has failed.

What ghettos?

I posted recently in another thread that in the 1950s and 60s the Australian government provided housing and free language classes for immigrants. Now we condemn them for needing such help.

A Google search "ghettos in UK" will bring up heaps of information which back up your comment Abby.

There are no go areas in Britain...and these can be found via a Google search as well.

"no go areas in Britain? Who proclaims them "no go"? I cannot believe the British parliament has set laws forbidding people access to suburbs. My cousin's daughter bought a house in a predominantly Muslim area and loves the suburb she lives in. She finds Muslim people very friendly.

Abby, Australia provides  510 hours of free English lessons for Asylum seekers and non-English speaking migrants, available at the moment through AMEP, crèche are provided for those with small children and babies. Very well attended and also volunteers like me and many others Volunteers also go into homes as well as helping in class for some who cannot attend  English classes. Attendance by participants has to be sent in weekly as their non-attendance for 2 weeks will affect their Centrelink payments.

very gratifying to see them progress and go on to jobs they are already qualified for in many cases and to see them being able to intergrate because language is no longer a barrier.

Good one Viv.

Integration is a long slow process and may take a generation or three, one only has to look at the names of players on AFL football teams and such like and see that it has happened for various migrant groups.

How well some of the more recent groups will assimilate is as yet an unknown but if history is anything to go by I suspect many will succumb to the evolving Australian way of life.

There will always be exceptions as there is in any group. Initial divided loyalties is to be expected to some degree.

Keep up the good work, we as a people are as much responsible for integration as are governments and their nefarious departments.

Take it easy.




You are correct, there are no  go areas in most of Birmingham, Southall in Middlesex and many other cities. These areas are run under SHARIA law and female genital mutilations are rampant. Under age marriage, multiple wives etc.Because of the ghetto atmosphere, the police can't find the perpetrators because they are hidden by other Muslims. 

The same is happening in France, there are many no go areas and the French are now getting worried.

Ray, I have English friends who say the same thing.  Would love to come to OZ to live but unable to do so.

Politicians say the "politically" correct thing on this subject.


April 2016

British Muslims are becoming a nation within a nation, the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has warned.

Commenting on a ground-breaking survey, Trevor Phillips said we are “in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims”.

He called for a new, tougher approach to integration and the abandonment of “the failed policy of multiculturalism".

The survey had made “one truly terrifying” conclusion that “Muslims who have separatist views about how they want to live in Britain are far more likely to support terrorism than those who do not”, added Mr Phillips, who ran the EHRC until 2012 and was previously in charge of the Commission for Racial Equality.


My opinion: This is NOT about bashing Muslims or Islam. It's about people turning a blind eye until it is too late. Integration of ALL races is possible and desirable.

Sensationalist, fear-mongering garbage.

No facts there at all.

close to where i live there is an aged care home for polish people.  not far away, there is a hospital and aged care home for greek people.   no one has any objection.

when you refer to 'muslims', i assume you mean people of the muslim faith?  there is no such race as muslim.


My older-than-me Dutch neighbours recently moved into an old folks home run by Dutch Care. 

Obviously a getto.



"when you refer to 'muslims', i assume you mean people of the muslim faith?  there is no such race as muslim"

Beside its religious aspect Islam also has a particular social system, a political side and judicial side which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory .... yes it is actually a Government. The Islamic political system is contained in the Koran, the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed) and his biography, the Sira.

Women are treated as if they were property because that is how they are defined by Islam. Hence Polygamy, female genital mutilations and Paedophyllic marriages.

Islam means submission and Muslim means one who has submitted. It is clearly stated in the Trilogy that all kafirs/westerners and their civilizations must be annihilated. Submission is political, as well as religious. Islam demands that kafirs (westerners included) submit in every aspect of public life.  Every part of kafir culture is an offense to Allah.

The Muslim women I know don't behave like property.

My father spent the final years of his life in a Catholic nursing home....Pres Care (run by Presbyterians I believe) and the Uniting Church, think even the Seventh Day Adventist mob also run nursing and aged care homes in these here parts as well......

But on reflection feel I've been surrounded by or even part of enclaves/communities of one sort or another often throughout my life....For instance can clearly remember very 'Catholic hubs or precincts' I guess you could call them, during my childhood,  comprising a catholic primary school, sometimes a secondary school,  a convent where the nuns lived, a presbytery where the priests lived, a catholic church -  often all on the same grounds....Also presently a community of Benedictine nuns live on the coast not far from where I live....

In the 1970s lived in a Commonwealth Hostel in Canberra with about 500 other public servants...and to the best of my knowledge think it was restricted to public servants only....Geeeheez you could almost say Canberra itself is an enclave or public service ghetto of sorts.....

But even when living in the northern suburbs of Darwin in the 1970s (after CycloneTracey)  this whole section of the town seemed to be confined to public servants with young families living in government housing....And to be honest can rarely remember seeing anyone older than about 35 or 40 .....Young couples with babies and toddlers everywhere...What about mining/company towns, where everyone works for company and lives in company housing etc. etc.

Occasionally  contemplate spending a small portion of my fairly poverty stricken semi-retirement at Hippydom Nimbin stuck in a 1970s time warp....

Think enclaves/communities are part and parcel of the way modern humans live  together...Maybe in times past it may have been different...with extended families living within close proximity to each other i.e. several generations of people living together ....dunno.

P.S. Any place I've ever lived no matter it be a small country town, a regional centre or a large city has had it's 'snob hill' or similar and it's section for the 'struggle streeters', 'housos', etc. etc.

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