E Cigs have toxins

The ACCC alleges the companies claimed on their websites that their e-cigarettes did not contain the carcinogens or toxic chemicals found in regular cigarettes.

ACCC chairman Rod Sims said the companies "did not have a reasonable basis for making those claims".

"When we tested the products we in fact found they did contain particular carcinogens and toxins," he told the ABC.

Read more at www.abc.net.au

With this in mind, would you be inclined to stop, or encourage your friends to stop using e-cigs?


What a surprise. The companies were not truthful.

I suspected as much as soon as they came on the market. Some people used them in an attempt to quit smoking, but was it really a quit ?

Of course the tobacco mob would try anything where a $ is concerned.

Very poor on their part.

Quitting is so hard. I finally got off the bastards by using patches and gum. Didn't see how e-ciggies would help ... too close to doing the real thing for me.

I just had to quit, point finale, and throw out all ashtrays, lighters and anything that reminded me of wanting a fag.

Yes fancy them lying good heaven -- what a shock -- BASTARDS

Smokers going from tobacco to E-cigarettes is similar to alcoholics going from scotch to beer. No difference.

I see a difference for the non smoker ... who is not exposed to the smell and cig bumpers strewn around.

e-cigs are becoming a problem in schools.

Both smokers and non-smokers are using them.

An absolute dsgrace for teachers to be setting such a bad example in front of students .... wha is the principal doing ?


It's not teachers using them. It's students!

Where do the students get the money ?

and what are the teachers doing about it ?

Couple of teachers at our local state school are before the Education Board at the moment. Students reported how they found bags of empty wine bottles and beer cans outside the teachers' rooms. Instead of looking after the kids they were having a merry old time. They may  be sacked and parents are up  in arms about it. They aare suspected also of smoking marijuana.

Sounds like a Murdoch story. Reliable, independent source please. There is no rule against teachers having a responsible drink when students are not there. Your story doesn't tell us anything worse has happened.

Abby, smoking is illegal on school grounds, for both staff and students in Victoria. It is strictly policed by staff at my school. Kids found smoking are given instant suspensions and parents/carers contacted.

But these kids are already addicts, so rational behaviour has gone out the window.



...once again - I come into YLC (rarely)  and read all about how OTHER PEOPLE are trying once again to rule other people's lives!!!  Unless you smoke - get the F--k over it!  NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!  Argh .................. what is wrong with people???????

Live your OWN lives - let others live theirs!  No wonder I can't stand people!!!!!!  Ugh!

Tobacco and e-cigs are LEGAL .....LEGAL......DUH!  You people don't know that?????


You haven't heard of passive smoking?

It causes cancer. That's not letting people live their own lives.

Passive smoking might cause cancer Barak but so does a lot of other things we are subjected to in our environment which gets less air play.  Personally I think our susceptibility to cancer all comes down to our genes. I grew up with chain smoking parents and then smoked myself for years and I have reached 66 without any cancer. Our generation was exposed to massive asbestos, DDTs and other toxic chemicals and now that consumerism is so global we are being exposed to toxic dyes, plastics, various outgassings etc. I no longer smoke but I think smoking is highlighted as the "bad substance" these days to detract from all of the other bad substances that we are subjected to and can't avoid. In other words let's keep the focus on tobacco so we don't have to worry about all of the other poisons we are subjected to and can't avoid. None of us can escape these poisons and I repeat, our genes determine how much any of us succumb to them. So basically, none of us has total say over our own lives.

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Foxy - what is so wrong with you that makes you need to make discussions so personal?

Robi - yes, there's been a lot of bad substances around, and tobacco is definitely one of them. We know that for sure.


True Barak our environment is full of bad cancer and other malady inducing substances and they are rarely talked about. Tobacco smoking is the stand out one talked about that is beaten to death. Why is that?

Many reasons, I suppose, but I don't object to any carcinogens being highlighted.

Well let's start highlighting them all. It won't be done of course because it would throw the population into a panic. Better to keep the focus on tobacco so that all non smokers can feel safe and believe they live clean lives. Again, it all comes back to our genes as to how well we cope with the many poisonous toxins in our world. 


..... well Barak you obviously have not died from "passive smoking" ???   - Neither have I or any of my large circle of friends!   How many people do you know who have?  I don't know of anyone??  .....

Let me tell you what parents are writing into the media right now - they are bagging the Govt. for hiking up the price of cigs. to the ridiculous cost (per pack) that they are today - parents are saying that their kids are now turning to smoking Pot - using Ice and God only knows what - as just about everything (ILLEGAL) is CHEAPER than a pack of ....  cigarettes!!!  Which are  ....     LEGAL !!!

 .......   you do not make sense to me!  Sorry! 

They're proven to be 99% safer than smoking , there's no tobacco, no combustion and no SMOKE!

Millions of exsmokers use them, some add nicotine ( as do I) but many don't ,,, the  4 ingredients for juice used in PV's ( personal vapourisers) are in our everyday food, eg: biscuits, cakes and fast foods etc.

Nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine in fact.

People should do their own research.. the only reason the guvmnt wants rid of them is nothing to do with health, it's all about money ... 

It's all utter hypocrasy, why don't they ban the proven cancer causing tobacco products????? ( MONEY!!

I smoked for 50 years ... tried all the guvmnt approved methods ... none worked.

Been vaping for 4 years now and my health has improved, as well as my finances.

By the way , ecigs are not to be confused with vapourisers ... ecigs are mostly made by tobacco companies. 

Also, how come nicabate products are presumed  'safe' when they contain the same ingredients as ecigs? Go figure!!


How lovely to see you Maggie. Please stick around.


Nice to see you back and posting Maggie, as you probably know Vaps are illegal in WA. Having seen one as you describe I am a bit confused as to why they are banned as the ingredients are much more innocuous than those in real cigarettes which are not banned! 

Quote: They're proven to be 99% safer than smoking , there's no tobacco, no combustion and no SMOKE!

Do you  have a link to a medical article to help support your statement? Who said that? Who said it was 99% safe??

E-cigs do contain harmful additives. Although they may help over a long period of time to enable heavy smokers to wean themselves off cigarettes, they are not "safe"

The disturbing trend is, they are being used by young people in the belief that they are safe, and as a result we are having many damaged lungs. 

What an individual does is their business, but please do not promote something as safe when it is not.


...ohhhh yeah yeah yeah!   -  Do you "smoke" Banjo?  IF you don't smoke - keep your ridiculous opinions to yourself!  Free speech or not!   lol 

The Govt. will never ban anything that is legal and especially a substance they are making millions of dollars from per year ..... as I have said before .....people that DO smoke - have already contributed enough funds not only for any health care they need but also a Private hospital ward -  named after them (over the door!) lol lol 

" and as a result we are having many damaged lungs. "

who said that?where is your evidence?

I don't promote the use of them and I also do not believe in 'passive smoking' ... 

these are my opinions after hours of research and I suggest you do your own rsearch instead of believing just what suits your personal agenda.

 I see nothing has changed here ...!

:) :) :) Foxy ... have been using that ward with my name over the door ... that I PAID FOR bigtime. Always loved my smokes until they got the better of me. Life's a bugger at times ... despite the health warnings. 


I absolutely agree with Banjo that e-cigarettes damage the lungs. Here are only a few links but there are a lot more..hope you find them useful... 






They are also banned in WA where I live. 

As for "passive smoking"...I believe there is enough evidence out there to suggest this is also a danger to people.

Obviously it is no one's business what the other person does..however..if it encroaches on the health and well being of others...then we all have the right and responsibility to speak out.








cigarete smoking is the main cause of lung cancer.

anyone disagree ???

Whilst I do not partake myself in smoking I do know people over 90 and 100 years of age that smoke like a chimney ... they smoke a pipe.... perhaps it is the chemicals that cig companies add to the cigs ???

"Of the more than 4000 chemicals present in cigarette smoke, more than 60 have been identified as cancer causing chemicals, 11 of which are known to cause cancer in humans and 8 that have been associated with causing cancer in humans."

How can you fit so many hazards into something so small?

Must be a record surely ... freakin' amazing ... idiots.

Source: http://www.quitnow.gov.au/internet/quitnow/publishing.nsf/Content/cigarettes-and-poison



.. plenty of people get lung cancer - people who have never smoked in their entire life - get lung cancer!  Depends also a lot in ya DNA in my opinion ...... as Abby says people have smoked for years - and live to a ripe old age - so .......?  

As I asked earlier - anyone KNOW of ANYONE who has DIED of passive smoking??????? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ......... right??? lol lol - there's ya answer!!!!!

Have spent the last couple of years in COPD groups as a participant. Interesting to hear why the other folk with me have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lots of reasons including being in the UK for years during awful weather/pollution, various job-related hazards, chronic asthma exacerbating, fungal lung infections, TB, lung scar tissue from other events, etc etc.

I thought most would be smoking fags related but seems to be (in my experience) from a variety of sources. Of course this is hearsay evidence on my part and doesn't take away from the dangers to self and others from smoking cigarettes.


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