China and organ harvesting

organ harvesting protestors

Emma Alberici speaks with Ethan Gutmann, who released a report which revealed evidence that Chinese hospitals were engaging in harvesting the organs of executed inmates for profit.




EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: Ethan Gutmann, welcome to Lateline.


EMMA ALBERICI: As you heard there, China is rejecting claims that it continues to harvest organs from executed prisoners. It says it's stopped the practice in January last year?

ETHAN GUTMANN: Yes, I don't really accept that this is about insults or anything like that. This is just about the facts.

When we actually looked at the hospitals there's 146 hospitals which are approved by the Ministry of Health to do transplants and actually a lot of them are just major transplant centres.

When we looked at them individually, and looked at their internal communications which are often, you know, sometimes they throw them in the trash, sometimes they're not, but they do have to communicate inside and this took several years, actually, to do. We found something very peculiar, we found a very, very high volume of transplants.

Now when we added that up we get to a number of about 60,000 transplants per year to 100,000 transplants per year.

Now the Chinese have been waving this figure 10,000 transplants per year for years now but we're not seeing that, we're seeing something completely different. We're seeing confidence in the future that this source of organs is almost unending. There is no peak oil.

EMMA ALBERICI: How can you say for sure that the Chinese regime is actually killing prisoners to supply the demand for organs?

ETHAN GUTMANN: Well they admit that they were, I mean for years they've admitted, since 2006, actually 2005 ...

EMMA ALBERICI: I mean contemporaneously given they say they stopped the practice in January last year?

ETHAN GUTMANN: Well, we just see no sign of it. What we see is tremendous continuity and the voluntary organ donations in China, I mean, the numbers are quite clearly, they're not high enough, even the made up numbers aren't high enough.

What we had researchers calling in to voluntary organ donation centres in many Chinese cities and they would call every day and the phone would ring and ring and ring and then after a month or so somebody would answer the phone and they would say I want to donate my organs but I'm also interested how many other donations have you received and they say well five, or three.

So you know, this just isn't there. The Chinese have, I understand this is the issue of high sensitivity and in a sense I feel that the Chinese Communist Party sees it as a dagger into its heart. But the facts are the facts. They have to grapple, I think everybody has to grapple with these new numbers. I have to grapple with them. They're very difficult.

This is not an expected result. I believe the Chinese were going to stop this.

EMMA ALBERICI: What can a country like Australia do to apply pressure on China to respect the human rights of its own citizens, given how guarded it is and how unkindly it takes to other countries meddling in its affairs?

ETHAN GUTMANN: That's a great question and I really believe that Australia is in some sense a pivotal country in the world on this issue. In part because the two of the presidents of the Transplantation Society are here at Westmead Hospital and the Transplantation society, since 2012, has tried to take the lead on this issue somewhat unsuccessfully to get the Chinese to reform. Well, actually fairly unsuccessfully.

But at the same time, China's medical leadership in this area is prized and valued by the Chinese.

So I think it's extremely important that Australia sends a signal, the kind of signal that Israel have already sent, that Spain has sent and recently Taiwan.

Now, all of those countries have banned organ tourism to China and that is making, that's a significant act. It sends a message to the Chinese leadership that the medical establishment in China is not trusted and that there's not only reforms have to be made but there has to be some sort of accountability for the past as well.

EMMA ALBERICI: When you've spoken about Westerners taking advantage of the Chinese organ surplus, if you like. Is these individuals that are going to China as you say on organ holidays, or is this Western hospitals engaging in the import of the organs?

ETHAN GUTMANN: You know, there's been a lot of sort of rumors flying around about this and I just wanted to clear it up. Most people, as I understand it, I mean organ tourism is not our focus. Our focus is on the victims in China, we think that's a profoundly important question and the organ tourism is sort of secondary to that.

Having said that, it's my understanding that you can pretty much Google the words "Help, I need a kidney" and you will very quickly get to a discussion board or something like that where people will kind of say hey, you can call this hospital in China, Tianjin Central Hospital, they speak English and you can get it for a fairly reasonable price.

So I don't think that's and we're not going to close down the internet or shut down these sites, that's not the point.

The point is for us to make a stand of the kind of stand that Israel did and Taiwan did.

To point out one more thing, Israel has a software industry which has a lot of Chinese investment in it. I think they were very nervous about making this decision when they did back in 2008. Taiwan has God knows how many thousand missiles aimed at it right now from the mainland but they did it. They showed the guts to do this and I think it's very important.

This is why I'm here in Australia in many ways to talk to people about this issue and try to get something moving here.

EMMA ALBERICI: Well all the very best with that. Ethan Gutmann, thank you for your time.


In my opinion ETHAN GUTMANN is doing nothing but stimulating hate against the Chinese in Australia. sadly we are helping to fund an individual like this through our donations to United Nations which we need to exit.

Abby are you saying that this does not take place in China?

What you  have heard or read PlanB is right on the money. The Chinese round up falun gong believers, imprison them on trumped up charges many are executed and organs removed.

Another revelation, Australians travel to third world countries to buy organs from the poor for a pittance. These people don't live for much longer because of lack of medical care.

Reagan it leaves me in disbelief that ANYONE could want to gain an organ at the expense of another's life -- but hell shows what morals and characters the Chinese have doesn't it,  to even think of doing such things for the love of money and the Chinese LOVE money

Humans kill pigs everyday to supply organs such as heart valve.

Mmmmmm. Pork!

Maybe that is why they also sell organs in Iran.

Your comments  make no sense at can any person equate pigs' organs with the stealing of organs from human bodies?

One part of this story is the customer base of westerners looking for organs. 

There is a massive shortage.

If someone here has not formally organised for their own organs to donated upon death (or can't for some good reason) then they are part of the problem.

This "stealing of organs" in China -  has gone on for years - years!  There is a medical centre in the back blocks "hills" of China that featured on either Dateline or Foreign Correspondent a year or so ago??  ..... it is a huge white "Medical" building - set in the hills - they take prisoners there and anyone who has been in a car accident - and any dissidents that are rallying against them!

These poor bloody people - are never ever seen again!   The Chinese are one of the most disgusting races in this World - and need to be stopped!!  They have no caring/compassion about human life - animal life - nothing!  Nasty nasty disgusting race!

Oh ok - now I'm gonna be called a "racist"?   lol lol - I don't give a F .........!    :-) :-) 


They sell homan organs in Iran too as well as in other countries


Didn't know about Iran?  Knew a little about India .......?  Don't know Abby?

Foxy I agree with you re the Chinese totally!

It is all about $$$$$$$$$$$ for them and they are a VERY cruel race

Now that is simply racist, by definition.

Barak call it what you wish -- but it is TRUE

You MUST know some Chinese people who aren't cruel. I know many.

Barak,  I said RACE not individuals -- yes I know a couple of individuals -- the Asian RACE are a cruel lot --- we have also OUR cruel people too but over all mostly are not a cruel RACE


You realise you are actually using the word "race"  to describe people whose innate attributes you don't like.

I can't see that as anything BUT racism. It's almost an exact fit for the dictionary definition.

Barak I don't want to argue with you and I am sure you know what I mean, I am also sure that you yourself would not approve of this dreadful way of organ donation?

Well, I don't have any problem with harvesting the organs of dead people, no matter how they die, but I can't agree with killing people just to get their organs.

Ah  the "cruel" Chinese. There are millions of falun gong devotees in China and in 70 countries and they are Chinese. So they're cruel because they are  killed and their organs removed. What a world. Below picture of the "cruel" race.

Are they executed for organs or for the crime.

If it's for the crime, then the issue is one regarding the fairness of their laws and persecution against certain groups.

The organ harvesting from the dead then is just a distraction

Focus on the substantive issue, instead of emotive non-sense

I'm actually in favour of compulsory harvesting of organs from the deceased to treat the sick . But it should be through the medical system and not for profit

Loopy Falun Gong 



Falun Gong has failed to make the list of five official state-sanctioned religious organizations in China, and if you listen to the government, the group is a “cult”. Beijing says that Falun Gong is responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of practitioners because “they refuse to seek medical treatment for their illnesses”. According to officials:

Falun Gong is against modern science, preaches the end of the world, forbids its followers watching TV or being treated in hospital and maintains that diseases do not exist and that ailments are due to sins people commit. They preached that UFOs had arrived on earth; aliens had taken over human bodies, and were trying to annihilate humanity through the control of TV and radio.

Okay, I get the not-allowed-to-watch TV part. But aliens landing on earth and taking over the bodies of humans? This sounded like good-old fashioned Chinese propaganda to me. But I was able to dig up a 1999 Time magazine interview with the group’s founder, Li Hongzhi, in which he makes some astounding claims about the role of aliens “from other planets” that “have corrupted mankind”. According to Hongzhi:

The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers and airplanes…everyone thinks that scientists invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. In terms of culture and spirit, they already control man…the ultimate purpose is to replace humans. If cloning human beings succeeds, the aliens can officially replace humans.

According to a BBC report, Hongzhi believes that “he is a being from a higher level who has come to help humankind from the destruction it could face as the result of rampant evil”. And it’s interesting to note that his story dovetails with a recent news report on another Chinese leader who preaches the gospel of qigong and has amassed tens of thousands of followers.

Wang Lin recently sought asylum in Hong Kong after being charged with fraud and tax evasion in China. In a recent New York Times article, he is described as “a diminutive 61-year-old whose sculptured eyebrows and slicked-back hair are reminiscent of Liberace’s” who was “wearing the glittery style of ring and watch favored by many newly wealthy Chinese people.” He owns three Hummers.

YouTube Preview ImageIt is said that Lie has the “power to cure cancer and has performed other mysterious feats like conjuring snakes out of thin air”. (You can see the video above.) Reports elsewhere say he has the ability to “fly”. It is also claimed the supernatural abilities he possesses can be learned by his followers.

So is the Chinese government, which has accused Lie of selling “spiritual opium” and labeled the Falun Gong “a menace to society” merely protecting its own people? Or is its greatest fear the rapid growth of these spiritual communities and the fact Falun Gong practitioners now outnumber Communist party members almost two-to-one?

I don’t know the answer, but either way it has to make you appreciate the religious freedom we have here in the United States. We’re free to follow whatever freaky religion we want—without the fear of having the government forcibly removing our body organs as a consequence 


" in the United States."?


I thought you were an Aussie.

Falun Gong practitioners number in the millions, mostly in China, although tens of thousands of people practice this in the United States. A group gathers each weekend on the Washington Mall, performing a watered-down version of tai chi.

Practitioners say these exercises, in conjunction with the aforementioned principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, have cured diseases no doctor could cure and have brought back long-lost vitality etc.

The master's words

Here's how Falun Gong allegedly works, an explanation documented in Li's books but strangely absent from academic and journalistic discourse on Falun Gong: 

Through a set of light stretching exercises a practitioner cultivates an intelligent golden-colored entity called the falun, which resides in one's gut in a different dimension and spins continuously, absorbing energy from remote regions of parallel universes to make the body invincible to disease. "There are people today who are hundreds of years old walking on the streets, only you can't tell who they are," explains Li in his book "Falun Gong" (Longseller, 2005).

Li also maintains in this book that David Copperfield is no mere magician but instead possesses some serious falun that enables him to walk through walls.

How does one get the falun? "I personally install it for practitioners in class," Li says in his book "Zhuan Falun" (Libris, 2004). "The majority of people can feel it ... Elderly women will regain their menstrual period." 

Eeek, how can I get rid of it? "Falun is a miniature of the universe that possesses all of the universe's capabilities ... It will forever rotate in your lower abdominal area. Once it is installed in your body, year-in and year-out it will not stop."

The movement's movements

Falun Gong is purposefully different from qigong, the 5,000-year-old healing art that includes tai chi and acupuncture (which the Chinese government sanctions). Li explains in his writings how qigong masters have lost their way and how he set out to develop an advanced method of the traditional system, which, he claims, helped many a Chinese monk live hundreds of years.

Expectedly, most tai chi instructors see Falun Gong as useless and a bit daft. 



you lack respect carlos.falun gong is liked by many  in theUS

You respect them Hiker

Respect my right to call them for what they are - looney tunes bigots


Hongzhi claims to have miraculous powers. He claims that he is the savior of humanity, who has come to the earth to "rectify" the wayand prevent "true" spiritual teachings from being lost. He further claims that this ancient Chinese knowledge is far superior to science.[6]His propagandists are known for hijacking reprints of Buddhist texts and inserting him as the "Main Buddha of the Universe".


The organization is vehemently opposed to homosexuality and premarital sex and generally holds the same social views as the Catholic Church. It espouses socially conservative views comparable to those found in Buddhist and Christian beliefs.[7] That includes prescriptions against pre-marital and extra-marital sex, as well as homosexuality, which are described as producing negative "karma."[8]However, these teachings are only regarded as guidelines for personal conduct, and do not necessarily translate into a social or political position.[9] (Whether that would remain true if Falun Gong gained political power is yet to be seen.)


The movement's teaching on race-related issues are somewhat questionable. Li Hongzhi maintains that interracial relationships are a symptom of moral degeneration and a sign of the Dharma ending period and that race divisions continue to exist in the afterlife, that people of different skin colors go to different heavens, and that as a result interracial children cannot go to heaven without the personal intervention of Li Hongzhi.[10]

Li Hongzhi himself believes mixed-race people should be outcasts of every human society. At a 1996 Sydney lecture:[11]

The races in the world are not allowed to be mixed up. Now, the races are mixed up and it has brought about an extraordinarily serious problem. Once races are mixed up, one does not have a corresponding relationship with the higher levels, and he has lost the root. Mixed races have lost their roots, as if nobody in the paradise will take care of them. They belong to nowhere, and no places would accept them. Therefore, you find the place where the continents of Europe and Asia meet a desert in the past and a depopulated zone. When the transportation means were not advanced, it was difficult to pass through it. With the progress of modern means, all these are broken through. Thus, races have become increasingly mixed up, which can lead to serious consequences. Of course, I will not go into details. I'm just saying that the higher levels do not recognize such a human race.

And at a 1999 Los Angeles lecture:[12]

In fact, no one knows that even though many people talk about believing in Buddhas or believing in gods, the truth is, if you aren’t someone from that particular god’s world he won’t save you whatsoever. I once made a statement that whether it’s Christianity or Catholicism, in their paradises there are no Eastern people. This is an absolute truth which man doesn’t understand. Yet Western religions went to the East with the Crusades, and the way they spread wasn’t good to begin with, since both Jesus and Yahweh prohibited their disciples from spreading the teachings eastward. It was to prevent the mixing of human races, but they didn’t understand this.

And at a 1999 Sydney lecture:[13]

Student: People of the white race are left over from the previous civilization. Then people of the yellow race and members of other races are…

Teacher: During the previous cycle of civilization the continental plates were different from those of today. But roughly speaking, people of the yellow race lived in the regions of South America and North America. The Native Americans who live there at present are classified as being of the yellow race. The people of the yellow race who lived in the place where China is now—the most central place [where they were] at that time was at Kazakhstan—after the Great Flood, they migrated to the region that is the great desert of Xinjiang. At that time it was a land of fertile soil. Later on they continually migrated eastward. Strictly speaking, Indians, Egyptians, Persians, the yellow race, the white race, and the black race are the six major races of the present Earth. All the other ones are mixed races.


According to a letter to the editor of the San Francisco News Sentinel in 2006 written by a man who claimed to be the son of Falun Gong practitioners, the movement also teaches that "homosexuality is not the standard of being human, the priority of Gods will be to eliminate homosexuals and that gays are demonic in nature."[14] Other postings on the internet echo this.[15]

Quote Carlos: "looney tunes bigots"

your  ignorance is unsurpassed carlos, unsurpassed.

  Whilst it is illegal to receive any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for the donation of blood or other human tissues in Australia , according to WHO only 49 of 124 countries surveyed had established this as a standard.

I THINK????  they pay for blood in the USA --?  or did.


Organ buying is done on the  black market.

Plan B

I do believe the sale of blood id legal in Canada.

In reality I cannot see anything wrong with it ... no difference to surrogacy or egg and milk donor etc.

The human body will remain the only supplier of live tissue and other matter until "bioprinting" goes mainstream.... from readings the world's first 3D-printed liver is expected to hit the market in the not too far distant future.

That's good. Mine's been a bit overworked.

LOL - that ya' problem huh???   :-) 

that doesn't make any sense for medical reasons. You can't harvest organs from a deceased person, organ donation MUST be done while the organ is still alive, and generally this is while the heart is still beating, or shortly afterwards. Hence most organ donations occur within the first 4-6 hours after death, except in the case of heart donation which MUST never cease beating (once the pacemaker cells in a heart cease functioning, the heart itself will never beat again).

Any unclaimed bodies would more likely be used as research/study material (cadavers) for medical schools and teaching hospitals, rather than harvested for organs. It simply does not make medical sense to suggest that there is a legal/illegal organ trade in China for unclaimed bodies.

One a personal note, I believe Falun-Gong members shouldn't be treated as criminals, rather they should be treated for mental illnesses, and receive non-government counselling and patient-education from Doctors and Nurses informing them of why "not taking medication/vaccinating their children and just praying (attempting to find their Falun)" is not only harming themselves, but destroying the herd immunity of society.

Per capita Moldova illegally harvests more organs than China.


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