Five things you probably don't know about Australia


1. Australia isn't just moving six centimetres north each year, it's turning sideways too

2. Sydney and Melbourne moved further apart after a 2004 earthquake

3. Your backyard moves up and down by 40 centimetres every day

4. Perth has sunk by five centimetres in the last 20 years

5. We know all this thanks to telescopes and black holes!



:) Thanks Sandi. Just read that article myself earlier. Very interesting. No wonder I feel up and down and slightly sideways some days.

R-n-R... and here it was me thinking it was that extra glass of wine I had last night!;)

:) Yep Radish. Very comforting news re the other causes. I'm going to celebrate tonight with a few glasses and 'go with the flow' so to speak!!

No wonder I get a sinking feeling at times, must mulch more.

Great science. I love it!

well there you go,   learn something new every day,    thanks for that bit of trivia


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