Comments on Open Office Please

Hi all, has anyone downloaded Open Office (the free office pack) ? This is supposedly compatible with all equivalent microsoft programs. If so, how have you found it and do you remove all your MS programs? It is a Java product, so I would have thought it was credible. The link is Open if anyone wants to check it out.

Thanks in advance. I have always found this site to be really helpful on these kind of question, in fact any queries I've had have always been answered.


Pommy, my technician has recommended OPEN OFFICE to a friend of mine who hasn't got WORD. So I've no doubt of it's cred status.

But don't know anything about it myself.

I had open office, but found that it didn't work too well, so got rid of it.

I found if you set the preferences to save in .rtf format that the word processor is compatible with MS word 2003.

The std save format is .obt (or similar - I have it on a usb as a portable so not used all the time)

Keep an eye out, there was some talk that microsoft were going to release a compatibility "patch" to bridge the gap. Haven't seen it yet.

Thanks to all the respondees. I am just tired of Microsoft but I don't want to change unless I am sure, that Open Office is a comparable and compatible product.

You can run it from a usb stick thingy. Run/test without installing

Go to and select 1 of 3 download options.

Follow there guide and viola. Test or use Open Office without changing your installed programs.

You can run it from a usb stick thingy. Run/test without installing

Go to and select 1 of 3 download options.

Follow there guide and viola. Test or use Open Office without changing your installed programs.

That is a good site JustMe, I just downloaded "Google Chrome portable" to try it out.

As I do web design, it is important to see how a page looks in all browsers.

What might look good in firefox can look completely different in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

Thanks for the tip.


Your most welcome Gerry

We all pick up tips here and there that someone can use.

I run Skype from a usb thingy, you can get heaps of portable programs.

Not all the same type of file.

Just search for portable programs and vary your search criteria to find more.

Pstart is another usb portable menu program.

In response to your question regarding the use of Open Office. I offer the following:

I use Open Office and teach Open Office. I find Open Office Writer (the word processing program) superior to MS Word when inserting photographs in a text document. Open Office Draw is great for preparing flyers, badges, business cards, bookmarks and gift cards. In our Senior's computer lab we have Open Office 3.1 installed on all computers.

"I find Open Office Writer (the word processing program) superior to MS Word when inserting photographs in a text document."

I agree with you ijack.

OOO is sometimes much better when saving text and pic from a website.

Don't know if anyone is monitoring this site still as I see the date of the last post was 2008. I am using Open Office but have found a problem. Someone sent me a PowerPoint presentation but I couldn't view it as I don't have MS Office. Is there a way around it? I had to go with open office as my copy of MS Office was given to me by a friend, you know one of THOSE copies. So went this way instead. I have not found any other problems.

So if anyone is still reading this perhaps they might know the answer please.

Gday terrib,

Try downloading the stand alone Powerpoint Viewer. I have it and it works well.

BTW: are you confusing Joined date with Posted date (under entry) :question:

You wouldn't be the first...

Sorry I think you are right. Seniors moment I guess or if I am honest stupid.

I take it this is an add on within Firefox?

Thanks for your help.

No addon to Firefox. It's from Microsoft - makers of Powerpoint. It's a stand alone program.

There are two versions - Powerpoint Viewer 2003 and PPV2007.

Try 2007 first and see how it works. Otherwise try 2003.

Just google for them.;=en

Stupid - NO, just human :-)

You poor old dear :)

Yes you are having Senior Moments.

Posts on this subject are all 2009 - you joined 2008 that is what you saw. :)

Never mind. You are not the first nor the last.

Hope you have been helped.


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