Does soccer cause dementia?

"The English Football Association will ask FIFA to investigate whether former players have dementia as a consequence of brain damage from playing the game.

Three members of England’s 1966 World Cup squad – Martin Peters, Nobby Stiles, Ray Wilson – have Alzheimer’s, family members told Saturday’s Daily Mirror newspaper."


I can't think of any other activity involving so many people that routinely involves hitting something with your head.


BARAK -  I don't think Boxing does the old brain much good either. Look at Mohammad Ali, Parkinson's which is close to Dementia . What about Rugby League and American Gridiron, some nasty brain injuries there. You only have to hear some footballers being interviewed and you can't understand what they are saying. I think all ball game sports should wear helmets, especially the young ones.

Makes sense to me that it can't be good for you. It's not natural to go around hitting balls, or anything else, with your head much of the time.

Is it the game which makes the player, or the type of person who plays the game? Have a look at and a listen to the guys who play these sports without headgear. Very few are the "full deck" - can't find the right words when speaking, can't utter a full sentence without an "huh" or three, eyes glazed or like those of a stunned mullet, etc, etc.

Soccer is not too bad. But dementia caused rugby.

Definitely causes Dementia for those who sit in front of the TV watching it..... think it causes hearing problem too ;)

I think you have to have Dementure to play Aussie Rules though.....


Neymar takes dead ball skills to a new level as he scores free-kick from top of Hollywood Boulevard building

Is this the most amazing free-kick you've ever seen? Brazilian superstar Neymar took set pieces to a whole new level - roughly the fifth floor, in fact - when he made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show in the United States. The Barcelona forward was set the task of beating Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo from a dead ball position. Not too tough for one of the world's best footballers? True, but there was a twist.

Click onto the picture to see the video.


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