
[color=purple][/color] [size=3][/size]Help!!! I am putting on weight, not all over but around the tummy, and I don't want to end up with a pot belly I have always been slim but due to ill health I have had to sit around a lot,and so am unable to do much exercise,What ill health you ask! well bad back, once broken foot that impedes to much walking bad eye sight about to undergo another surgery so I am unable to drive so that cuts out various activities and because I have to rely on being picked up to go out I can't go to the gym so......sitting on the computer takes up a majority of my day and of course I am growing around the midrif not a nice sight, alright in winter with my ten layers of clothes but we will eventually be in the summer and I wont fit into my clothes so to get back to the reason I started this useless garbled conversation does anyone know how to excercise my stomach muscles without moving Please


The darn tummy is the bain of anyone over 40 :(

You know even on the computer and watching tele. you can lift the buttock cheeks up and squeeze together instead of letting the butt flatten :) this uses calories and tightens and lifts :)

It is easy to hold the feet off the floor for a minute every now and again good for the thighs - also pressing the small of the back against the back of the chair stregthens the core and helps keep the tummy in check. Er while reading posts it is quite easy to put the arms out to the side and do small circles so helps the arms.

Exciting hey? being on the computer is like being at the gym. if we make it this way.

Good luck and it IS fun true.....Ain't it good to be alive so much we can do and so much fun to be had. I hear many say "it is too wet or too cold to go for a walk or go outside to exercise or I cannot afford equipment" Marching on the spot is free and you can start with just a minute each hour and then five minutes when ever you want as well or instead of.

Have fun....


[size=3][/size][color=purple][/color]Thanks Phyl you are a bundle of knowledge and they sound so simple and practical. Cheers Pushy

I am no expert at all, but maybe this will help too:

you can do crunches in the morning, while you still in bed (the bed is softer than the floor)

also lift up your hip (like a bridge or plank) and even sway them side to side, try to lift one leg off

the mattress.

A gym-instructor also told me, that the best way to keep your muscles exercised is to pull in your tummy every time you remember doing so (while you go one place to the other, or sit)

When I am in the kitchen, doing some boring job I have some nice music playing (like hits from the sixties!) and dance ... well, as long as nobody sees me, it's OK .... ?

[size=3][/size][color=purple][/color]Thanks Lark for the advise,you could video yourself and we could all exercise together, with all these handy hints I should be trim and terrific in no time, well trim anyway LOL.have a great day. Pushy

You are already terrific Pushy! --- I don't want to frighten people with my "dancing" - so I give a miss to the video!


My exercise is usually walking the dog. Lately I've had a bout of vertigo. Ever tried walking a dog while shuffling along with a walking stick? The two don't seem to go too well together.

I do not visualise you shuffling Bev. :) Anyway your dog loves YOU and accepts you like all our animals do which is good hey?

Have you read Peterseaford's post re just being diagnosed with vertigo?

I have always reconed Peterseaford is a good guy (for a bloke that is) lol

and really missed his posts lately. Will chain him here by his ankle this time.

When you take a step, and teeter this way and that, it's hard not to just shuffle. Been bouncing off the walls on the way to the bathroom for a few days. Thank goodness I have an appointment with an ENT specialist soon. Hopefully he'll find out what is wrong and get it right for me.


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