How sitting in front of a naked flame promotes relaxation

Spending time near a natural flame has been proven to help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety.

Scientific research shows that sitting near a fire for just 15 minutes can induce feelings of calmness and relaxation, which grow stronger the longer you stay.

According to the research, humans have long been drawn to fire as ancient ancestors used it for warmth, protection and cooking. An evolutionary reaction, it is believed fire satisfies the primal desires for warmth, while flame illuminates darkness and provides comfort, also providing a place for social interaction, making it easier to communicate and develop social connections.

“Stress is an experience that can have a negative impact on both our mind and body. As such, it’s important that Australian’s recognise the health benefits of regularly making time to de-stress, by consciously selecting activities that promote relaxation,” says psychologist, Leanne Hall.

“Research suggests that sitting near a flame helps to reduce stress hormones and decrease blood pressure, making us feel more relaxed. These benefits are attributed to the multisensory experience of watching a naked flame, including hypnotic visual stimulation, sound and warmth.”

Aussies are more stressed than ever with one in three people admitting they have a significant amount of stress in their lives, with this figure set to steadily rise.

Stress can impact physical and mental health including negative effects on cognition and learning, immune functions, hormone regulation, cardiovascular health and the gastrointestinal system.

Overall, stress can affect almost all the body’s natural systems and processes that help keep us healthy and happy.

Ms Hall says, “Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world, meaning that we are moving further and further away from nature. It’s no coincidence that we are also in the midst of an anxiety epidemic. Nature can most certainly provide an antidote to a considerable amount of this stress and sitting and watching a naked flame is one of the best ways to re-connect with nature and relax.”


Add a couple of good mates and a few cold drinkies and the cares of today can wait until tomorrow.

"Naked Flame Promotes Relaxation". Absolutely spot on...the joys of a campfire and a good storyteller.

Flames have a magical effect on the human psyche. Those who meditate and practise yoga use candles to help concentration and to tap into their inner self. 

Add the fact that one is out in the bush or by the water and nature takes over!  Add a wine or beer and who cares what happens in the world!  Best medicine ever.  

No wonder camping and caravanning is a growth industry in Australia.

Yep, love campfires, staring into a flame can be mesmerising. Just be careful you don't go camping with a flame thrower or someone who likes to play wth matches.

Small fire is calming. Big fire is terrifying. Water is calming. Big, huge water, like in a tidal wave or flood is terrifying. Earth with it’s wonderful growing capacity and provision of solid foundation is calming. Earthquake is terrifying. Air provides the greatest calm because without it we struggle to survive. Do we give it thought? I think not since we are destroying the balance we need provided by nature. 

Fire, Water, Earth and Air. The four elements. We should worship them rather than the ridiculous religions we do worship. They are the elements that give us our life. 

And when we stare into a campfire, or at still or moving water, or play in the soil (as in gardening) or walk through a forest beautifully reeking of the earth, or connect with the beauty of breath and existence, we know this to be true and feel at peace. All of the other components we fill our lives up with are a nonsense in comparison. If we humans worshipped the 4 elements I wonder if we would be as stressed as we are with our politics, economic concerns, status concerns, self esteem issues etc etc etc. At a deep level we would know we have all that is necessary for life - warmth, water, soil for growth and air.


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