How to prepare your pet for a storm

scared dog afraid of a storm

With wild weather predicted for this weekend across the country, the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is calling on pet owners to prepare and plan to protect their animals, issuing guidance for how to identify and manage storm phobia.

“Storm events getting more intense and are going to be exacerbated due to climate change, and it is critical pet owners are prepared,” said AVA President of Public Health Dr Guy Weerasinghe. “Triggers for storm phobia may not just be the loud thunder clap but could be due to the flash of lightning or even a drop in the barometric pressure - the triggers vary between animals. It is about identifying the phobia early in your pet's life as the behavioural impact gets worse each year.”

The warning signs of storm phobia in dogs include:

  • pacing

  • licking lips

  • dilated pupils

  • panting

  • hiding under a bed.


So, what can you do to help your phobic friend? According to the AVA:

  • Planning is important – talk with your veterinarian to come up with management plans for your pet.

  • Monitor for upcoming storm activity.

  • Prior to a storm event bring your pet indoors.

  • Set up a dark room where your pet can relax.

  • Sometimes animals may need medication if the phobia is quite intense.


With a little TLC and a lot of patience, you can helpo your pet through a traumatic experience. We humans often take for granted that sights and sounds of severe storms, but for pets, it’s nightmare. If you need further help for your furry friend, you can find it at



I have a little red heart run by batteries that fits into a secure harness and I switch the heartbeat on when my little dog is nervous,apprehensive or travelling a long distance..

It is magic.

But the best way to alleviate the stress in the situation is to snuggle up on the couch with him and a good book and wait for the storm to pass..

 I hate storms myself so he is my comfort too...

Both   the  above  sound  .ike  good  ideas " cranky  " I too  dislike  storms although find  them 

beautiful   too .


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