Imported Honey to be banned or labelled with Country of Origin. Eg. China, Argentina...

Imported honey can carry different strains of diseases that can effect not only Australian honeybees but over 1500 indigenous bee species.

One disease American Foul Brood is presently decimating bee colonies.

AFB disease can be spread easily by animal lovers feeding birds and possums honey outdoors.

Often people use cheap imported honey to feed animals and birds. We can learn from the prawn industry. Innocently people used imported prawns for bait which decimated the local prawn industry. The same thing is happening to our bees due to imported honey.


Capilano have decided to privatise and sell to the Chinese market after taking Simon Mulvaney (bee keeper) to court for demation. Its another move on the Chess board as a pawn attempts to take on the Queen.

Unless the government protects our local bee industry and its integrity the local bees keepers have an uphill battle.

Thanks for posting PlanB, yes we really need to stop importing honey, people should be educated to stop buying imported honey too. I buy from a local beekeeper, most people could find one in their area too, even in the cities.

I did post about this a few years ago when it 1st came to notice -- I buy honey from private bee farmers -- guess I am lucky to be able to but you can google for what near you


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