Life in North Korea ... told by a beautiful young lady who escaped

north korean girl who escaped

Please watch this video....we are indeed so lucky to live in a first world country....I must admit I shed a tear watching this.


Very sad Radish. Poor people.

Never ceases to amaze me that someone close this dictator has not got the guts to stop him. Surely those around him can see what is going on in their country in comparison to the rest of the world.

I find it interesting that the worlds worst dictators and villaians seem to live a charmed life, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others. Is there someone looking after them?

I am crossing my fingers that with all the weight (due to a love of fine foods) he is putting on that his health will soon suffer.

Maybe one of the doctors who attend him may be able to do "something"!

Unlike governance in all other Communist countries, North Korea's governance is comparable to a royal family. In 2013, Clause 2 of Article 10 of the new edited Ten Fundamental Principles of the WPK states that the party and revolution must be carried "eternally" by the "Baekdu bloodline" (see here).

The WPK (Workers' Party of Korea ) is the sole governing party of North Korea. It's the founding and ruling political party of North Korea, and the largest party represented in the Supreme People's Assembly.

Rads, if the current ‘Dear Leader’ goes … who would be next ????

Too convoluted and tricky for me. Hope you or other contributor’s may have an idea.

I think that the people at the top (close enough to the leader to do something) don't wish to,as they are comfortable with the status quo. But the rest of the populace are indoctrinated from the cradle that it is the rest of the world, particularly America, that are against them. Those of higher education, or high intelligence will be aware that things aren't right. I guess that is the reason that Pol Pot killed teachers, doctors etc. I think that we are looking from the outside in, while they are looking from the inside out.

It is heartbreaking what these people have and still go through and unbelievable that these rulers are so cruel and think themselves so ^%&$*$# important -- what scum they are -- if one was taken out there would be yet another to take over as there was with this gribsFather -- (sorry for comparing a grub)

There seems to be some sickminded relo to take over when one dies


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