OAP Overseas Portability

You can find all the answers on the internet. Really? Not always. I'm 66 of Polish origin and I'am thinking about moving permanently to Poland. Why? Because I have no family and not many friends here but plenty over there and I feel very lonely here. But these days there is nobody to talk to about my optins at the C/L. They say it is not their matter anymore - call International Services 13 16 73.

I found this info:


On this page is written the note:

This Budget measure is subject to the passage of legislation.

Can anyone tell me if this legislation has passed already and if not, when it is going to pass. This info is very important for me because knowing this for sure I can decide if I'm going to move for good now or maybe it will be better for me financially going to Poland twice a year for about 3 months as until now.


Sorry Ted Ted,

Can't really help you, although I don't think it has passed yet, but I may be wrong.

I can't understand why Centrelink can't help you but if you go to this


Go down to the last Answer and click on share my email and it will give you the address to email Hank Yongen who is the head of Centrelink and his staff will help you with your question.  I believe they are very good and will help you in any way they can.

Have a friend who emailed them recently and she said they were great.


you may find these links of help

*international social security agreement

*Claiming an Australian pension while outside Australia

*International Social Security Agreement between Australia and Poland


Alternatively you can write to them or make  an appointment to visit them in person

Hi Ted,

So sorry you feel so lonely that you need to move back to your old Country.  Just thought I would say hi and let you know that others DO care.  I know how you feel though because I am English and had thought the same thing but decided to move into an over 55's instead and give it a go.  

In regards to going back, its not always a good choice to go back - doesn't matter what it is, old job, lover, house, country, it is never the same as it was and many times its just filled with disappointment.  

Sometimes it might be better to take a look at life now and work out what you want to change, then how best to do that.  Set yourself a little project perhaps?  The 'make Ted happy' project!!  Good luck, go for it!!

Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day with many more to follow.


Kind regards



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