Taking extra steps to live longer

middle aged couple walking in the bush

New research from the University of Newcastle has revealed that it only takes a few extra steps to ensure you'll live longer. Well, 4300 steps, to be precise ...

For people over 55 years old, an extra 40-minute stroll every day will mean you spend one less day in hospital every three years, as well as significant reductions in cancer and diabetes admission rates.

It's estimated that, for every extra 1000 steps daily, hospital bed-days a year drop by 9 per cent. 

"The cost of a day in hospital in Australia in 2012-13 was $1895, so $550 can potentially be saved annually for each person who increases their physical activity by an achievable 4300 steps per day," said the report. 

Read more in the Medical Journal of Australia

Do you walk the recommended 8800 steps a day? Do you use a fitness monitor, such as a FitBit or AppleWatch to track your movements?


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