Would you deactivate Facebook for $1000?

With over two billion monthly users worldwide, Facebook has gained the title of the most popular social network.

Social media has changed the way we live and communicate, but it can be difficult to put a monetary value on a free service such as Facebook.

Using a series of auctions in which researchers paid people to close their accounts, the team found that users required around $1000 to deactivate their accounts for one year.

They published the findings recently in the journal PLOS ONE.

How much money would it take to convince you to permanently delete Facebook?



The whole point of Facebook for me is to make networking easy. I don’t use it for personal or family catch ups. When you deactivate your Facebook account, you cut yourself off from enjoying the benefits it provides for networking. So no I won’t deactivate for $1000, if a lot more was offered I may re consider!

I am not and have never been on Facebook

Me either, do not want to be tracked and be part of this evil company, the money went to their head.

Me neither but for $1000 I would be willing to create an account then 'deactivate it immediately.

ditto KSS, but I would want more than $1000 to 'activate' Facebook, I successfully navigated my life without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatever else calls itsaelf 'Social Media' and I will happily continue that way. But then I value my privacy.

Facebook is a great resource on politics, news that is not covered by media. $1,000 doesn't go far these days. No I wouldn't bother.

YES!!! I would!!! Where do I sign? Who do I contact? Please, please, please...

Actually I deactivated my account a few years ago. Useless for me and I have never seen so much BS from "fake friends" in one place... But I would still get the thousand dollars if available...

In a second! where do I go to collect my $1,000?


No need to yell, but yes facebook have a lot to answer for they allow a lot of hatred and more but they will delete a bare breast, go figure.

I too deactivated my FB account a couple of years ago and as a result I miss out on important or interesting snippets from family and friends.   Seems as though you are invisible if not on social media.  Nevertheless I won't be joining up again, I actually prefer being out of the loop and missing all the drama and BS.

If you really meant anything to those so called friends and family members, they would make the effort to contact you by phone or (heavens above) face to face!

I never would use Facebook, once a friend who only lived a coupe of streets away asked me if I was on facebook and I said you can see my face anytime just visit me, but people don't visit anymore so you lose contact. I eventually found out she moved interstate, if I had been on facebook I would have found out earlier but who cares. True friends call you on the phone if they cannot visit. I feel sorry for the kids who are feeling a lot of pressure from false friends. Kids are committing suicide over bullying on facebook and how sad is that.

Like musicveg, not on or never would go on Facebook, I don't need my personal details scattered across the globe. Identity theft, there the words that come to mind. However, where do I sign up so I can sign out and get the grand, easy money. Have a good day, Cheers Jacka.

Do we have to pay them the thousand dollars, probably worth it, where do I sign up

My facebook newsfeed and this place are much the same, except there's less argy-bargy there. LOL 

Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe it's because I actually know the people on my facebook feed, and they know me, IRL.   I guess that tends to temper what one might say.

Still, would I deactivate it for $1000?   In a heartbeat.  I'm not really all that interested in what my family and friends are doing every minute of the day.

Ummhh ... but it's nice to know they are just a click away if I suddenly get interested. 

So maybe I'd miss it if I did deactivate it - even though I don't use it much.


I do like the messenger app though ...

... on second thoughts ... nah.  How would I know when 'the ladies who lunch' are getting together? LOL, I guess I'm addicted.


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