How not to get a cruise cabin upgrade

It’s not uncommon for cruisers to book the cheapest, and often smallest, cabin and then try to weasel their way into an upgrade. While some tips and tricks from experts may help you score a better cabin for free, other attempts are guaranteed to fail.

Cruise ship doctor Ben McFarlane has seen more than his fair share of failed upgrade attempts. According to the UK Express, he notes that false complaints of claustrophobia are apparently guaranteed to fail in his book Cruise Ship SOS.

As his supervisor notes, a legitimate sufferer of claustrophobia is less than likely to book the smallest, windowless cabin on a ship. This is one of “oldest tricks in the book” and is more likely to induce an eye roll from a doctor rather than sympathy … or an upgrade.

In fact, Dr McFarlane’s boss even advises him to tell one ‘patient’ making such a claim to “come back when he’s had a more interesting idea”.

While we may like to try play them for fools, cruise doctors and managers are experts. They won’t be fooled into believing booking the cheapest room and experiencing claustrophobia are just an uncanny coincidence. 

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.


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