Insurance for pre-existing issues

Joe is about to head overseas, but since his last trip, he and his partner have had some health problems. So, he wants to know where to find travel insurance that won’t charge him an arm or a leg.

Q. Joe
I’m off to the United States and I know that the healthcare system there is the pits. Since my last trip, I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and my wife has had knee surgery. I know I should buy travel insurance, but I’m worried that I’m going to be charged a fortune just to cover our pre-existing medical conditions. Do you know where I can find good cover at a decent price?

A. Well Joe, having a pre-existing medical condition will most likely cost you a bit more on your insurance, but it may not be as bad as you think.

Firstly, there are a few companies that have standard travel insurance packages that include a range of pre-existing medical conditions. Diabetes, being a relatively common disease, may well be included in one of these packages. So may your wife’s knee. This means you may not have to pay as much as you’d imagine.

Now, I just want to make it clear that I’m not here to recommend one insurance company over another. What I am saying is that pretty much every travel insurance company will offer travel insurance that includes some pre-existing conditions, although one policy may not cover both of your health conditions. So, you’ll have to do your research to find the best one for you. But be wary – with insurance, as with all things, you get what you pay for.

Most insurers include cover for some pre-existing medical conditions for free, but other conditions may require an additional fee in order to be covered. You’ll also need to get a health assessment.

If you can’t find someone to insure you, there is a company called All Clear that will cover you for pretty much everything, or will at least consider covering you, but it probably won’t be cheap.

So, to get you started, here are some popular travel insurance websites where you can get a quote. Again, I’m not suggesting one or another and I recommend doing plenty of research and reading the product disclosure statements before deciding on and paying for any insurance cover.

Anyway, try these for starters:

Good luck Joe!


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