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Just like great grandma used to make

hearty beef and vegetable stew in pot

Every now and again a little ‘gem’ passes through the YourLifeChoices office. We’ve rediscovered The Coronation Cookery Book compiled by the Country Women’s Association of NSW and published in 1937.

There are some classics – although the amounts of added sugar and salt have thankfully changed over the decades – and others that won’t be to everyone’s taste. One such dish is Mock Oysters, used as a sandwich filling. For those who find it difficult enough to eat the actual seafood variety, we’re not sure the ‘mock’ version is any more palatable. We’re sharing it anyway!

Mock Oysters

Skin and cook two sets of lambs’ brains, cool and chop slightly. Mix in very carefully one teaspoon of anchovy sauce and one teaspoon of thick cream. Add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. You are then advised to handle carefully so it doesn’t turn to mush. Fancy it anyone?

There are plenty of recipes for anyone with a sweet tooth, although the amount of added sugar seems astonishing by today’s standards.

Ginger Beer



Boil ginger in three litres of water for half an hour, add sugar and lemon juice, then honey and rest of the water. Strain through a cloth. When cold, add well beaten white of egg and one teaspoon of lemon essence. Allow to stand for four days and then bottle. Ready to drink three days after bottling.

Vanilla Ice Cream



Heat milk and add sugar. Beat the egg yolks and stir the milk onto them gradually. Pour into a double saucepan (heavy-based saucepan) and stir until the mixture coats the spoon. When cold, add the cream and vanilla and freeze.

Macaroon Tarts





Make pastry by rubbing fat into flour and salt and mixing into a dough with a little cold water.

Roll out pastry and cut into rounds, line deep patty tins and place a little jam in each. Mix the almonds and sugar, add the beaten eggs, milk and essence. Mix well. Pour a little on top of the jam. Put strips of pastry on each. Bake in a moderate over for 20 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

CWA cookbooks continue to be common in kitchens all over Australia. Do you have one? Do you have a favourite recipe? Have you noted how the amount of sugar and salt in recipes has changed?

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