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The 12 questions of Christmas

Christmas quiz

The lunch (or dinner ) is done and the cleaning up can wait while you kick back and answer our Christmas quiz.


1. Leaving milk and biscuits for Santa started in which country?

  1. Spain
  2. Turkey
  3. Greece
  4. The Netherlands

2. In which city was Christmas first celebrated?

  1. Rome
  2. Paris
  3. London
  4. Stockholm

3. The first song played in space was …

  1. Silent Night
  2. Jingle Bells
  3. O Holy Night
  4. O Come All Ye Faithful

4. In many European countries it is good luck to find what in your Christmas tree?

a. A spider

b. A possum

c. A book

d. A ladybird

5. Why were candy canes believed to have been created?

a. As a religious symbol

b. To ward off evil spirits

c. To keep children quiet in church

d. Nobody knows.

6. On what date was Jesus born?

  1. 25 December
  2. 24 December
  3. 14 December
  4. Nobody knows

7. How did Santa get a red suit?

  1. Through a Coca Cola advertising campaign in the 1930s
  2. Because it’s the best colour to see in snow
  3. Because the first decorations on a tree were red
  4. Rudolph wanted Santa to match his nose

8. In the 12 Days of Christmas song, how many gifts do the verses add up to?

a.  402

b. 364

c. 343

d. 212

9. How did eggnog get its name?

a. Nog is a Scandinavian word for ‘drink’.

b. Noggin is a quarter of a pint;

c. Noggin is another word for head and the pourer of the drink must sit at the head of the table.

d. Nog derives from grog.

10. The song Feliz Navidad is heard often at this time of year. What does it mean?

a. Feliz means ‘release’ and ‘Navidad’ was a Spanish rebel imprisoned on Christmas day 28 years ago

b.  Translates as ‘joyous spirit’

c. Translates as ‘Merry Christmas’

d. It’s the name of a Brazilian holiday destination known for its Christmas pageantry.

11. Historically, what do children get in their stockings if they’re on the ‘Naughty List’?

  1. A mutton chop
  2. A lump of coal
  3. Blank paper
  4. A small cake of soap.

12. In the song We Wish You a Merry Christmas, what type of pudding is called for?

  1. Figgy pudding
  2. Biggy pudding
  3. Piggy pudding
  4. Christmas pudding

How did you go? Are you a Christmas wizz, or is it a case of bah humbug?

See the answers here.

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