How to revive sun-damaged skin

Summer is over, but in many areas of Australia the sun beats down as relentlessly as ever.

Many of us may have noticed that our skin is a little drier and in need of repair following months of exposure to the relentless rays. Autumn is the perfect time to get your skin back to good health.

There are several ways to help your skin repair. First, however it’s always a good start to visit your local skin care clinic to check that your skin is in good health. Once you’ve been given the all-clear, beauty expert Sarah Pelham, from the beauty and wellness booking platform Bookwell, has given top tips on how to reverse sun damage, and how to protect your skin all year long:

Slip, slop, slap … every single day
The most important step for preventing or reducing sun damage is to make sure you are wearing SPF30+ sunscreen everyday, summer through to winter. This will not only act as a screen for already damaged skin, but will also block further damage. Trying to reverse this while leaving your skin unprotected is like trying to fill a leaking bucket – not very effective!

Visit your local experts
Most beauty salons offer skin repair treatments to help with damaged skin including Microdermabrasion, which helps with fine lines and discolouration and Dynamic Resurfacing Facials, which help to remove sun spots and improve skin tone. These can be some of the most effective ways to help with sun damage and with ageing caused by sun rays. Ask your local thearpist what other treatments they have to offer.

Antioxidants to the rescue
Try a high-potency antioxidant serum as this can help protect from free radical damage caused by sun exposure. Some key ingredients to look for on the labelling are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, ferulic acid and resveratrol. An antioxidant serum is always fantastic to have in the bathroom and there are hundreds of great ones available for people of all budgets.

Spend a sec with tech
There are some great new skincare technologies that aim to reduce the visible effects of sun damage by protecting and repairing telomeres (the protective caps at the end of your DNA strands, which can be affected by age and sun damage). The ASAP DNA Renewal Treatment and One Truth 818 are just two examples of serums using this technology and could be a great option for those who want quick results.

‘A’ stands for awesome
Retinoids (pure vitamin A) can also help to repair visible damage. You should always start with a lower strength product to help build up your skin’s tolerance, otherwise you can get some redness and flaking, so be careful to not go too heavy when using this product for the first time.

Know your skin type
For those seeking a winter getaway, if your skin is still red and inflamed after being in the sun, use skincare ranges for irritated skin. There are plenty of great products available that focus on solving this issue for a range of prices. For something quickly effective, La Roche-Posay Toleriane is a great choice that has pure aloe vera gel to calm inflammation. Following this, do not pick at any peeling skin or use any exfoliating scrubs. You want this to heal over completely, and scratching and itching only delays the process as the healing is done in stages.

Moisturise your lips – they get damaged too!
Many of us forget to protect our lips. This neglect creates wrinkles associated with aging and thin-skinned lips are very painful. Always apply and reapply a lip protection balm in the sun every hour – even when out of the sun, to keep them moist and in recovery from the elements.

Eat more antioxidants
Filling up on food and drink that have antioxidants can help sun damage. For example, vegetables and fruit like watermelon, strawberries and oranges; also, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, salmon – and lots of water and green tea are beneficial!

Have you got a tip for healthy skin? Have you always been careful to protect your skin from the sun?

Disclaimer: This article contains general information about health issues and is not advice. For health advice, consult your medical practitioner.

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Janelle Ward
Janelle Ward
Energetic and skilled editor and writer with expert knowledge of retirement, retirement income, superannuation and retirement planning.
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