Relieve your allergies naturally

Seasonal allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is triggered by the release of pollen. In south-eastern Australia this occurs in spring and early summer, between October and November. In Western Australia, pollen is released as early as July or August and in the Northern Territory, pollen from grass is most abundant in April. In Queensland, hay fever peaks between December and April.

While reaching for over the counter products may help relieve allergy symptoms, these are usually only temporary solutions. These natural solutions may help to reduce your allergy symptoms, making hay fever season more bearable. 

Healthy diet
While eating a healthy and well-balanced diet is good for the whole body, a study on a group of children found that those who eat diets rich in fresh foods including vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, oranges, apples and grapes, showed fewer allergy symptoms.

Windy days
As sunny as it may be outside, if you’re prone to allergies it’s best to keep your doors and windows closed. It will keep pollen and other allergens from entering your home. If you find yourself sneezing indoors, it may be worth-while installing a HEPA filter on your air-conditioning system.

Alternative relief
If you’re looking for allergy relief but don’t want to reach into the medicine cabinet, there are a number of proven alternative therapies you can try. Butterbur extract, called Ze 339, and plant-based Phleum pratense and pycnogenol show promising results.

If you’re feeling congested, drinking a warm or hot beverage may help to thin the mucus in your sinuses, making them easier to drain. Other seaming liquids such as soup or a broth will have a similar effect.

If you want to maximise the benefits of the steam without drinking a hot beverage, hold your head over a warm bowl or sink of water. Place a towel over your head to trap the steam and breathe deeply. This helps to unblock your nose and make it easier to breathe.

Change clothes
While outside, little pieces of pollen and other allergens like dust get picked up on your skin and clothing. If you’re particularly sensitive to these, you may consider showering and changing your clothes when you return home.

Acupuncture helps to deal with underlying imbalances in the body. When acupuncture is used to help treat allergy symptoms, an action plan will be made to best address the underlying causes of your allergic response, while also working on your acute symptoms.

Wear a mask
Not only are masks great at helping to protect yourself and others from respiratory illnesses, but they also protect your airways from allergens in the air.

Clean your home
Some simple housekeeping tips can help to reduce the number of allergens such as dust and pollen in your home. Vacuuming, keeping wet areas mould free, washing sheets and using fragrance free cleaners will help to keep your home allergen free.

Manage stress
When you’re stressed your body releases hormones that are harmful to the immune system. This can worsen your reaction to allergens. Practising self-care, meditating and saving time for relaxation in your schedule can all help you manage stress and ease the pressure on your immune system.

Do you experience hay fever? Do you find that over the counter products are able to keep you snuffle free during hay fever season? Did we leave out any natural remedies? If so, share them with other readers in the comment section below.

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Disclaimer: This article contains general information about health issues and is not advice. For health advice, consult your medical practitioner.

Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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