Friday Funnies goes private

It’s Privacy Awareness Week next week. Let’s face it, every other day or week seem to be dedicated to something these days – many of them very good causes. To get you in the mood, we take a light-hearted look at privacy matters. 

Q. How many privacy consultants does it take to change a light bulb?
A. How many can you afford?

Q. How many privacy professionals does it take to change a light bulb?
A. One, as long as there’s consent.

Q. How many privacy professionals does it take to change a light bulb?
A. The receipt of your response to this joke will be used in accordance with this Privacy Statement, and will be stored in a log file forever. A cookie will be placed in your mouth upon its opening as you cannot reject it. All information relating to your response will be shared with anyone who comes along. You are given the choice to unsubscribe to this joke, but we’ll remember that too.

Q. How many privacy officers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two. One to get a bulb and the other to call a privacy consultant to actually change the thing.

Q. How many privacy officers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. One, as long as s/he has two privacy consultants to conduct a privacy impact assessment.

Q. How many privacy consultants does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Don’t know. We never get past the privacy impact assessment.


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Janelle Ward
Janelle Ward
Energetic and skilled editor and writer with expert knowledge of retirement, retirement income, superannuation and retirement planning.


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