Five money saving websites

If you’re planning a large purchase, overseas travel or downsizing your house, then these websites could help you save money.

Travel guides
There’s no need to spend money on travel guides and then have to lug them all over the world. Simply plan where you want to go, what you want to do and how much you want to spend online before you go.

Buying a car
If 2015 is the year to update your vehicle, then do your research online and you’ll be in the driving seat when it comes to the nitty-gritty of negotiations.

Value your house
Maybe you’re planning to downsize, or release some of the equity in your home. The volatility of the property market over the last 24 months has made it difficult for homeowners to accurately judge what their home is worth. Monitor comparative sales in your area to give you a guide to your property’s value.

Keep your retirement funds performing
Super funds have experienced differing fortunes over the last few years and the variance in fees could mean your fund isn’t performing as well as it should. Find out how your fund performance and fees compares with others.

Affordable health insurance
Private health insurance premiums have just experienced an increase and it may be worth checking if you have the right level of cover and the best premium available.

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