Un-Australian lamb ad goes viral + budget-saving deals

The annual Australian lamb ad campaign has notched a record. 

Meat and Livestock Australia runs a annual marketing ad promoting lamb and relies heavily on tongue-in-cheek Australian humour. The ad has gained a near cult following since the first one was launched in 2005 featuring Sam Kekovich.

It was previously the most popular with 220,000 views on YouTube, but this campaign has blown it out of the water with 3.3 million YouTube views and 5.7 million views across all social channels, according to Retail World

The ad offers a world where punishment for being ‘un-Australian’ – such as charging extra for tomato sauce and barracking for the All Blacks – forces the offenders into exile, only for Kekovich to turn up with a lamb barbecue after offering a bon appetit over the grill. Very un-Australian.

Source: Australian Lamb YouTube channel

Food waste costing us billions

Got a limp lettuce? Out of date dates? Have your spices seen better days, or even years?

You’re not alone, and food waste is costing us billions.

The food supply chain is under the spotlight following a government report that found households account for about a third of food waste in NSW. That equates to about 312kg per person, per year. On a country-wide scale, it’s costing an estimated $36.6 billion per year or $2000 to $2500 per household.

The Food Production and Supply in NSW report recommends rethinking the supply chain. 

It seeks wide-ranging initiatives such as education campaigns, improved pathways to divert unwanted food to food banks, support for councils to improve organic waste collection and composting and support for community gardens and urban agriculture.

However, Independent member for Sydney Alex Greenwich, who chaired the food waste committee, has the answer in the short term.

He told The New Daily he throws any limp veg into a frittata at the end of the week.

“Just by that simple action, people will have meaningful impact in reducing waste and therefore reducing emissions,” he says.

Not sure how lettuce is going to go in a frittata, but his heart’s in the right place.

Read: Average Australian’s credit score improves in 2022

This week’s best deals


Sensible: Cavendish bananas, $2.49/kg. I’m putting this in because the history of the Cavendish banana is fascinating. The variety was developed by the Duke of Devonshire, otherwise known as William Cavendish, who cultivated them in his massive greenhouse, which was once the largest glass building in England at 84 metres long. Cultivation had to be abandoned as it required 300 tonnes of coal to get through winter and the cost became too exorbitant after World War I. 

Indulgence: Sandara Premium Sparkling Sangria, $6.49, save $1.50. I’m not sure how ‘premium’ a bottle of alcohol priced at under $7 will ever be, but let’s carry on. A great tipple for parties where quantity triumphs over quality. Serve similar to Pimms in a jug with orange slices, but minus the lemonade. Drink quickly before the bubbles run out.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: John West Tuna Tempters, half price at $1.35. Never pay full price for these as they are regularly half price. Great to stir through pasta or for a quick protein-rich snack. They keep bringing out extra flavours but it’s hard to go past the spring water and chilli varieties.

Read: Where are the chips and when they will be back?

Indulgence: Range of Oral B teeth cleaning products. Seen those lines of electric teeth cleaning products and whiteners on supermarket shelves but the price has made you clutch at your pearls? Well for this week, some of those are half price or better. Priced between $30 and $40, so the cost may still sting but the savings are enormous.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Vege Traditional Chips or Rice Crackers, half price at $2.25. Probably not any healthier than normal potato chips, but the ‘vege’ is carrying it over the line for me as far as my conscience goes. 

Indulgence: Cadbury Mini Rolls, half price at $2.50. I suspect these are on special for ‘back to school’ sales, but they are going straight to me in our house. There’s nothing like mock cream wrapped in cake that stays fresh for weeks to satisfy your cravings.

See the catalogue here.

Read: Unspent gift cards now total $1.9 million


Sensible: Primo Short Cut Bacon, 750g for $8.25, save $7.25. Another regular special. Low on fat for bacon and freezes well. Try it in this bacon and egg pie

Indulgence: Moccona Freeze Dried Coffee, 440g, $19.50, save $8.50. If you must drink instant coffee, you can do a lot worse than Moccona. Plus the jars make great storage containers for your pantry.

See the catalogue here.

Do you enjoy the lamb ads? Have you checked out the latest one or have a favourite? Why not share your opinions in the comments section below?

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisherhttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/JanFisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


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