Looking for spectacle subsidies? Where to find free glasses for pensioners

Do you want better eyesight but can’t afford prescription glasses? You may be eligible to receive a spectacle subsidy towards a new pair.

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss. If your eyesight is getting worse as the years roll on, it’s time to get your eyes checked.

New South Wales

Each state and territory has a scheme to help seniors buy new eyeglasses. The eligibility criteria varies, with some governments offering full refunds and others applying strict means tests.

Vision Australia manages the NSW Spectacle Program. To find out if you’re eligible, you’ll be means-tested and the level of assistance will depend on your savings balance.

Some people with limited savings and assets might be able to get free glasses. To receive free specs, you must have savings or assets of less than $500 if single or $1000 for couples.


The Australian College of Optometry provides cheaper eye-care for low-income Victorians, including eye examinations bulk billed to Medicare.

Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card holders can receive low-cost glasses through the Victorian Eyecare Service. The subsidies are from $41 for single vision, from $56 for bifocals, from $99.50 for multifocals and from $55 for contact lenses.


The Spectacle Supply Scheme is run as part of the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme by Queensland Health. You could receive a pair of basic glasses every two years.

You’ll need to have held a Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Queensland Government Seniors Card for at least six months.

Gold Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card holder may be eligible for specs from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Contact the DVA to find out more.

South Australia

GlassesSA helps older Australians obtain low-cost glasses. If you are eligible for the scheme, the most you will pay for single-vision lenses is $25; single-vision grind lenses, $30; bifocal lenses, $50; multifocal lenses, $100; contact lenses are free.

The service offers a range of basic frames, and you can apply for new glasses every three years.


The Spectacles Assistance Scheme helps clients with the cost of some lenses and frames. Not all Health Care cardholders are eligible and some people will be means tested to qualify for assistance.

Western Australia

The WA Spectacle Subsidy Scheme appears to be one of the least generous, with a concession maximum of just $54.34 every two years. Application forms are available from optometrists.

Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Spectacles Subsidy Scheme provides some residents with up to $200 every two years. You’ll need a Pensioner Concession card from either Centrelink or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or a Health Care card. You must be a cardholder for three months or more.

Northern Territory

The Spectacles Concession Scheme is available every two years by applying through an optometrist. You can be eligible for one pair of reading glasses and one pair of distance glasses, or one pair bifocal, multifocal or progressive eyeglasses. The concession may cover some repairs plus other costs.

Are you entitled to free glasses? Do you think your state’s eligibility rules for subsidised eyeglasses are too strict? Why not let us know in the comments section below?


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