Seniors Card 2017 discounts

Do you want to know where to get the best discounts using your Seniors Card can offer? Our updated list of 2017 Seniors Card directories will help you to save time and money.

The New South Wales Seniors Card Directory 2017 can be downloaded for free as a PDF from the NSW Seniors Card website. To make it easier to find local discounts, the directory has been broken down into five smaller regions within NSW. Discover discounts on accommodation, food, clothing, shoe repairs, handyman services and more.

Rather than a downloadable PDF, the Victorian Government Seniors Online website allows you to search for a discount by type and location. Receive free entry to some of Melbourne’s most sought-after attractions – such as the Melbourne Museum – find discounted travel insurance and discover which restaurants offer a discount to Seniors Card holders.

The SA Seniors Card 2017 Discount Directory can be accessed as an online magazine, with virtual, ‘turnable’ pages (turn the sound up on your computer for accompanying sound effects). As with other directories, the SA magazine lists services freely available to SA seniors, such as help with your computer. You can also find the most up-to-date information on discount public transport, deals when dining out, discount medical services and more.

Find travel discounts, low-cost household help, discounted medical treatments and more with a Seniors Card in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Seniors Card website allows you to view the 2017 Seniors Card Discount Directory in two ways – you can either search for a discount, or download the directory as a PDF.

Low-cost dental, travel insurance deals and, as always, discounts for dining out can be found in the Queensland Seniors Card Discount Directory 2017. The website allows you to search for a deal near to you, but it also keeps an ongoing list of ‘special deals’. Recent, short-term deals have included a lower-cost Telstra bundle including a tablet, and low-cost denture repair, so it is worth checking back with the website during the year.

Enjoy 30 per cent off art classes, discounted travel, low-cost cleaning services and more. The Northern Territory Seniors Card Discount Directory allows you to search by keyword, category or location for discounts specifically for Seniors Cards.

The Western Australia Seniors Card Discount Directory 2017 offers a minimum of 10 per cent discount, or at least $20 off, the cost of listed products or services. Enjoy discounted computer training, dry cleaning, accountancy services, gifts, travel, food and more. The directory is searchable by discount type and location for convenience.

The Australian Capital Territory Seniors Card Discount Directory 2017 can be downloaded as a PDF, or you can search for a discount through the website. Find discount fitness, gardening services, restaurants, optical, pet care and more with your Seniors Card.

Do you know of any places where our members can use their Seniors Card?

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Seniors Card explained
Seniors Card – who can get one?
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