The world of personal injury law

Unfortunately as we get older, falls in public places can become a more common occurrence. When they do happen, getting advice from a good personal injury lawyer as soon as possible is the key to making sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Henry Carus is the Principal of Henry Carus + Associates – a personal injury law firm in Melbourne. He has over 30 years of experience, is an accredited specialist and has an impressive track record, winning over 98 per cent of cases.

Below he answers a few questions about his approach to personal injury law.

People are often hesitant to claim compensation when they have an accident. What are your views?
Mistakes are a fact of life and insurance has been created to support you whenever someone makes one – at work, in a car or in a public space.  People shouldn’t feel hesitant about accessing insurance money that is there to assist them.

You get excellent results for your clients. What tactics do you find yourself using to achieve them?
I always rely on my three personal values – courage, determination and justice.

When I think my opponents’ offers are too low, I ask them whether they would be happy if that was all that their loved one was going to get in the same situation. 

I like to remind them that we are dealing with a real person – not a file number – and that real person could be someone they care for.

What motivates you?
The difficulties that my clients face and their trust in me to do the best for them.

How would your clients describe you in three words?
Approachable, caring, determined.

If you’ve had a fall in a public place, you can have a free chat with Henry and his team to see if you’re eligible for compensation. Visit and fill out the enquiry form or call 1800 525 018.

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