Woolworths slashes Extra Rewards program

Remember when we recommended taking up a Woolworths Everyday Extra subscription?

I might have to take that back.

It was a pretty sweet deal. For just $7 a month, Woolworths’ and Big W customers received 10 per cent off one shop per month, three times the rewards points and subscriber-only perks and freebies.

Turns out Woolworths thinks that’s too good a deal and will be winding back many of the benefits. This is on the back of some spectacular profits in the past year.

They also have the cheek to say it’s ‘great value’.

Anyway, the changes are that the 10 per cent, once-a-month discount will only be available instore, the three rewards points on every shop will be cut down to two points and the annual subscription fee will increase from $59 to $70.

“Everyday Extra has been in the pilot phase for the past year,” a Woolworths spokesperson said.

“As we look to roll out the Everyday Extra program more broadly, we’ve had to make some changes to the program to ensure it continues to provide great value to our members and a core part of our offering.

“We know the vast majority of Everyday Extra subscribers are redeeming their 10 per cent discount instore and in order to streamline the offering, we have made the decision to make the 10 per cent discount only available instore.”

But don’t think that’s the end of it. Woolworths has flagged it will be making more changes, and you can be sure they won’t be in the consumers’ favour.

“Now, as we continue to invest in Everyday Extra and our broader Everyday Rewards program, we are making some changes to the pricing and benefits in the coming months,” the spokesperson said.

This duopoly has got to stop.

This week’s best deals


Sensible: Pork, in its many forms. In a promotion close to my heart, Coles has partnered with FightMND. For every specially labelled pork product, Coles will donate 10c from each pack to the charity. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but add that up all over Australia and it’s a force for good. Buy a beanie and socks while you are there.

Indulgence: Arnott’s Cheds, $2.80, save $1.20. I call Cheds both the worst and the best biscuit. The worst, because it’s clearly highly processed fat and carbs in biscuit form. The best because they are delicious and habit forming. Damn you, Cheds.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Bertie Beetle Mini Choc Stick ice cream, $4.99. Bertie Beetles were invented to use up all the teensy bits of honeycomb leftover from manufacturing Violet Crumble bars. We don’t care. They are still delicious. Sadly, they are made in NZ now and I feel a loss of civic pride in considering that fact.

Indulgence: Gerstacker Nurnberger Christkindles Markt-Gluhwein, 1L, $8.99. Spell check did not like the name of this wine. This is a German mulled wine, perfect for Christmas in July celebrations. Very fruity, very sweet, with loads of cinnamon and clove flavours. Sounds like Christmas in a bottle.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: MasterFoods Tomato or Barbecue Sauce, half price $1.90. I know there are a lot of other fancy pants sauces out there, but we always come back to this brand. Sometimes you just want sauce.

Indulgence: Bonne Maman Conserve, $5.50, save $1.20. I adore these jams because of their homespun look. Deep down inside I know they are made in a giant factory somewhere, but their marketing must be working because I buy them anyway. The open-mouthed jars are great if you do your own preserving as well.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Navel oranges, $2.99/kg. Oranges are at their peak at the moment, so tuck in. We buy them by the bag and they never last the week.

Indulgence: Don Salami 200g varieties, $8.25, save $1.10. I don’t buy these often because I lack self control. If you just buy a handful from the deli, you eat a few slices, then they are gone. But buying a whole salami means you just keep eating. Stop being so delicious, salami.

See the catalogue here.

Do you have a Woolworths Everyday Rewards Extra subscription? How do you feel about the changes? Why not share your opinion in the comments section below?

Also read: Massive power bill increases on the way

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisherhttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/JanFisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


    • Could not agree more Stone the Crows, sweets, detergents and overpriced fruit. About time they. have necessities included as specials eg meats. Points are farfetched savings, also it is about time price tags are affixed to products. Nearly as many missing as affixed. I have now changed my provider and sold my Woolworth shares.

      Disappointed Pensioner.

  1. Woolworths Metro also falsely advertise a free hot beverage when you spend $30, but since the end of April they don’t print the barcode in your paper receipt, & they don’t load the credit on the app. I DMed them on Twitter & was told there was ONE INVISIBLE credit loaded on my account which if I wanted to risk humiliation bu taking their word for it I could TRY to redeem in store (‘Hi, can I please redeem my apparently existent but invisible single coffee credit?!’). They also said the offers ‘can’t be stacked’ in the app, THEN HOW COME MY FUEL CREDITS CAN?!! Then they said you have to spend $30, then go & risk humiliation asking to redeem your single possibly existing invisible credit BEFORE YOU SPEND $30 again, then & only then you can get another possibly existing invisible credit to probably humiliate yourself with. This is completely false advertising. They owe me so many coffees.


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