Aldi teases with plans to go online

Will they or won’t they? This week, Aldi threw out speculation that it would soon offer online shopping – only to walk it back.

Speaking at a parliamentary House Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into competition and business formation, representatives from the German chain said the group recognised it would need to start offering online shopping or lose market share to Coles and Woolworths.

Aldi corporate affairs representative Adrian Christie told the inquiry the group had resisted online sales to keep costs down, but that stance was no longer sustainable.

“You will see us entering that space in the future,” Mr Christie said.

“I think there is significant share moving into the online space.”

However, after a bit of fevered speculation on online Aldi forums, in a statement to 9News the next day, Aldi took some air out of the idea.

“We are keeping a close eye on the ecommerce opportunity as we look to maximise customer convenience, however we believe our fundamental responsibility, particularly now, is keeping the price of customers’ weekly shop as low as possible,” an Aldi spokesperson said.

“One of the major ways we are able to offer the highest quality groceries at the lowest prices is our streamlined business model that is focused on simplicity.”

However, the spokesperson said Aldi would continue to monitor the online space.

“We won’t bring this forward until we have a model where associated overheads of ecommerce in no way compromise our ability to deliver low-priced groceries to Australians.”

So, the answer is a definite maybe. Sorry, Aldi fans

This week’s best deals


Sensible: Milo, 395-460g, $7.15. Always handy to have in the cupboard somewhere. Don’t feel like a meal, you can have a Milo. Also good if grandchildren drop by. Layer it on ice cream until you have a small mountain to be their best grandparent ever.  

Indulgence: Pascall Jubes, $2. Why did it take so long for Pascalls to work out they should be putting these in bags instead of just tubes? Mustn’t grumble, it’s done now.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Premium Butcher’s Style sausage varieties, 450-500g, $8. Sadly I can’t find any bonkers Father’s Day present suggestions, so it’s going to have to be this entirely sensible gourmet sausage offering. I mean … whose dad doesn’t love a bit of sausage?

Indulgence: Much Moore Ice Cream, 2L, half price $5.50. Is this new? I’ve never seen it before. Never mind, the flavours look like fun, including Awesome Foursome with vanilla with cookie pieces; bubblegum with jellies; vanilla; and chocolate. Sounds bad for you. I’m going to love it.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Kellogg’s Cereal Sachets Jumbo 25-pack, $17.49. Hands up those whose parents let them only eat naughty cereal on holiday with a multi-pack? Relive the glory days with this jumbo pack. Early prediction: NutriGrain and Sultana Bran are going to be the last to go, as it should be.

Indulgence: Smart Dog Shiraz Trincadeira, $6.99. Cheap weird wine is what Aldi does best. I’ve never heard of this varietal, so I’ll probably give it a go.

See the catalogue here.


Sensible: Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Oil cleaning range, priced from $3. I love this stuff for the smell alone. Does it clean well? Who knows, it’s all about the smell.

Indulgence: Provedore Prosciutto or Tasting Plate, two for $12. Who doesn’t like smallgoods? Quick and easy, just add cheese and crackers.

See the catalogue here.

Do you do your grocery shopping online? Would you like to shop online with Aldi? Why not share your opinion in the comments section below?

Also read: Five pantry heroes that can help you save

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.


  1. Having difficulty reconciling that Aldi are now fitting large self service booths that take card only and reducing assisted checkouts to only 1 or 2 operating. Took 22 minutes to get through Aldi the other day as staff were busy “fixing” errors in the self serve area. Would never trust them for online shopping.


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