Choc and Cherry Coconut Cheesecake

A heavenly combination of a crunchy chocolate crackle base with a creamy cherry coconut cheesecake filling, topped with chocolate coated cherries is perfect for entertaining.

Difficulty: medium

Time: 30 mins, plus 1 hr prep

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves: 12


Chocolate crackle base

60g (1/4 cup) Copha, chopped

60g dark chocolate, chopped

80g (1/2 cup) icing sugar mixture, sifted

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

50g (1 2/3 cup) Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles

20g (1/3 cup) desiccated coconut

Cheesecake filling

300g (1 1/2 cups) cherries, pitted and halved

60ml (1/4 cup) water

160g (1 cup) icing sugar mixture, sifted

500g cream cheese, chopped and softened

270ml can coconut cream

3 teaspoons powdered gelatine

Choc-cherry topping

100g dark chocolate, chopped

20g (1 tablespoon) Copha

12 cherries, extra

Chocolate crackle base

Grease and line the base and sides of 22cm spring form cake tin.  In a large bowl, combine together the chocolate and Copha. Place bowl over a pot of lightly simmering water. Stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat.

Place the icing sugar, cocoa powder, rice bubbles and coconut in a large bowl, add the Copha mixture and mix to combine. Press into the base of the tin and put in the fridge to set for 10 minutes.

Cheesecake filling
Place cherries, sugar and water in a small saucepan over high heat. Bring to the boil and cook for 4 minutes, to soften. Remove from the heat and cool slightly for 5 minutes. Using a stick blender, blend until smooth.

Sprinkle over the gelatine and set aside for 5 minutes to dissolve. Mix until smooth. Set aside.

Place cream cheese in large bowl and, using hand-held beaters, beat for 4 minutes or until light and fluffy. Add the coconut cream and beat for 4 minutes, or until light and smooth. Strain the cherry mixture through a sieve and gradually add to the cream cheese mixture. Stir to combine. Pour over the base and put in the fridge to set for 1 hour.

Choc-cherry topping
In a medium heatproof bowl, combine together the chocolate and Copha. Place bowl over a pot of lightly simmering water. Stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat.

Half dip the cherries in the chocolate, place on baking paper and refrigerate for 2 minutes to set.

Remove cheesecake from tin and drizzle with chocolate mixture. Top with cherries to serve.

Recipe provided by Peerless Foods.
Get more Copha recipes here and more Fairy recipes here.

Can’t find a favourite recipe from the 1960s, 70s or 80s? Here’s Betty King’s Cook Book; Secrets From Grandma’s Pantry; What Shall I Cook Today? 


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Everyone’s favourite – chocolate crackles
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Janelle Ward
Janelle Ward
Energetic and skilled editor and writer with expert knowledge of retirement, retirement income, superannuation and retirement planning.


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