Seven ways to keep the weight off

Now that you’ve lost the weight, the harder part is to keep it off. There is no easy or miraculous way to go about it. But if you stick to these seven lifestyle choices, they’ll soon become a habit, and you’ll be able to keep off the kilos you’ve lost –and you might even lose some more!

1. Be consistent and plan ahead
When you eat regularly (three square meals, and healthy snacks in between if required –i.e. do not skip meals) and you stock your kitchen full of fresh produce and healthy ingredients, you’ll be less likely to slip. It’s as if your best friend (i.e. you) has your back. This is a lifestyle change – and choice. After a few weeks of eating this way, it will come more naturally.

2. Eat what your body loves
Your body knows what it needs, your mind (and tongue), not so much. The thing is, healthy food that supports weight loss can also be delicious. It may just take a few weeks for your tastebuds to wean off years of eating sugar- and salt-laden foods. Then, when you eat health foods flavoured with natural herbs and spices, they’ll taste delicious and won’t be detrimental to your health.

3. Enjoy moving
Exercising shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth. So keep trying new group fitness classes and different exercise styles, such as dancing, walking, tennis and team sports. When you find something that feels like fun and the time passes without you knowing it, you’ve found your thing.

4. Don’t deprive yourself, but indulge smarter
Once you deprive yourself of something, all you want is what you can’t have. It may pay to have a cheat meal, or day, once a week to indulge in your favourite (not simply anything that comes your way) but not-so-healthy food. Some consider it an essential part of a sustainable weight-loss plan. Just remember to jump back on the healthy bandwagon.

5. Forgive your mistakes
Sometimes we slip because of the foods and people around us, especially if we haven’t planned ahead. You are human, so slipups are bound to happen. Instead of being hard on yourself after eating ‘bad’ food, forgive yourself, otherwise you’ll find it hard to bounce back and stay on track.

6. Keep it interesting
Variety is the spice of life. So if your routine gets a bit ho-hum and you feel you’re slipping back into old habits, try stirring things up a bit. Buy a new healthy cookbook, sign up for a healthy cooking course or fitness program, or try a new activity or hobby.

Set yourself goals
Set mini goals (they’re more achievable) and once you meet them, set some more. They can help motivate you to maintain your weight, and change things up should they become mundane. For example, if there is there a special occasion, such as a wedding or holiday on the horizon, why not work towards looking (and feeling) your best?

What healthy lifestyle measures have helped you to lose weight and keep it off?

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