Did you ever receive your wages like this?

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  • Author
    • #1799574
      Ellie Baxter

      How wages used to be received

    • #1799641

      Oh yes, remember Pay packets well, wonderful feeling to open your pay envelope on a Friday after working hard all week and yes weekly pay was the norm……..happy days indeed…

    • #1799668

      Oh yes, we received our wages every two weeks in an envelope just like that. A great thrill for us to tip the money out into our hands and count it! But I must admit that the way it’s done now is much safer.

      • #1799761
        Alan Williams

        I remeber but with a twist. The HR Mngr personally paid all staff, he was an unplesant misfit, god knows how he ever ended up in HR, and how the snr. mangr ever tolerated his behaviors and attitudes.

        Staff had to line up and stand immediately behind a line in front of his desk, about 60cm from the front of his desk. He would put his hand out with the notes and coins and make all staff stretch to reach his hand, stepping over the line on the flor ws not allowed.

        Just as the employee was about to take the cash from his hand he would drop the money on the floor, forcing the employee to get on their hands and knees to gather up the money.

        An evil old man.

    • #1799687

      Yes Once Upon A Time payday was something to look forward to. Receiving real money, cash in a packet, amazing. People valued money back then, for that very reason, it was tangible. Off to the bank to deposit what was left after allowing for Room and Board for Mum and Dad and your own personal expenses. A lesson the young of today dearly need to learn. Fantastic plastic and they call it progress, what a load of cobblers. Jacka.

    • #1799755
      Patricia Willans

      Loved receiving my wages like this when younger – could see just what I had worked for, kept a certain amount aside for mum/dad and then loved going to Woolworth, Marks and Spencers or Hitchins on my
      way home on my way home and usually bought wither a lipstick or earrings!!

    • #1799904

      Yes, my first job used to get it in the envelope every fortnight. Then when I moved jobs it become a fortnightly cheque – how things have changed.

    • #1800562
      Claire Halliday

      Every school holidays, I used to get roped into my dad’s factory in Adelaide and I had the task of putting all the money in the little envelopes on pay day and then walking out onto the factory floor to hand them out to all the bikie sheet metal workers who worked for him. I am still excellent at quick arithmetic!

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