Diet method may reverse type 2 diabetes

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    • #1785660
      Brad Lockyer

      Researchers in China have demonstrated that fasting for five days, then eating normally for 10, then fasting again could actually reverse type 2 diabetes in sufferers.

      The strict regime involves five days of eating only around 840 calories a day, followed by 10 days of eating how you normally would.

      The foods on offer for each meal during the fasting period included ‘nutritional rice’, a meal-replacement biscuit containing black beans, maize and oats, and fruit and ‘vegetable gruel’.

      Almost half the people who participated in the study managed to reverse their type 2 diabetes within three months.

      Researchers believe it may be due to the weight loss experienced. The group who fasted lost an average of almost six kilograms, while the other group lost and average of just 0.27kg.

      Have you ever tried fasting?

    • #1788877

      This is a great advancement in the medical world. I never did fasting though except if there is a need for laboratory blood tests. My fasting blood sugar is at the border line and hasn’t been on maintenance medications for blood sugar except for hypertension, I just watched my diet carefully by cutting down on carbs plus sweating it up a few hours per day.

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