Do you know what a sunflower lanyard represents?

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    • #1825160
      Brad Lockyer

      Have you ever been out and about and spotted someone wearing a green lanyard emblazoned with bright yellow sunflowers? They’re increasingly common and are not just a fashion accessory.

      This lanyard indicates the wearer is suffering from a ‘hidden disability’ and may need a little extra help.

      Produced by the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower charity, the lanyard conveys that the wearer may “have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.”

      Around the world, approximately one in six people live with a disability. That is nearly 1.3 billion people.

      While some people experience a disability that is visible, many have a non-visible condition or experience a combination of both visible and non-visible conditions.

      These disabilities can be temporary, situational or permanent. They can be neurological, cognitive and neurodevelopmental as well as physical, visual, auditory and include sensory and processing difficulties.

      So, if you see someone wearing the sunflower lanyard, just be aware they may need a little extra time to get where they’re going.

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