Electricity Rebate tips

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    • #1756988
      Maureen Doyle

      Hi Everyone, I just wanted to alert you to a serious issue I have had and an easy solution to the problem.
      In August I was notified by Alinta that I could no longer get the Electricity rebate because there was an anomaly with my address. This issue affects those who live in units and complexes. If your property goes over a number of lots ie 9 – 13 the council and the Grid cannot use hyphens.
      I have been absolutely stunned that after 6 years they would stop my rebate because my address on my pension card differs to the street number at the council.
      I have been on the phone to council, Dept of Housing, Electricity Ombudsman, Centrelink, Federal and State MP’s, Qld Premier, Energex, RTA and Ombudsman for Cenrelink and nobody could sort it out.
      If you find yourself in this situation Energex will recognise your Seniors Card, not one of the above departments informed me of this and if I had not continued to contact them and hound them I would never have found out. The Electricity Ombudsman actually told me that unfortunately I would just never be able to claim the rebate!!!
      I just thought by posting on this forum it would save people the stress I have been through. It was an easy fix in the end but nobody wanted to assist me.
      I think it is absolutely appalling that this can happen and for the frail and those that dont have someone to research this, it could mean they are deprived of what they have a right to.
      Hope it helps some of you.

    • #1789090

      Thank you for the tips. Other than these tips, I began switching to more energy-efficient home appliances which helped me cut down a lot on my electricity bills. I discovered that old appliances consume a lot of electricity compared to the newer ones.

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