Furious shoppers react to concerning find on Coles supermarket shelf

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    • #1803844

      A furious Coles supermarket customer posted a picture of a concerning find on her supermarket shelves this week.

      The picture was posted to a Reddit group and received hundreds of comments from other furious shoppers.

      Coles shopper finds minced meat on a random supermarket shelf

      “What drives someone to do this? Seriously, North Perth Coles,” said one the shopper.

      “This just makes me sad,” another wrote.

      “I wish nothing but minor inconveniences for these people… I hope they sit down on the couch and realise they’re going to have to stand back up to get the remote,” a third said.

      “It’s an insult to the creatures that were slain for this product, at the very least,” one person said.

      “Poor pig died for no reason,” another commented.

      “It’s such a waste,” wrote one person.

      “I’m more concerned if that might be put back in the freezer after sitting on that shelf for a while… Haven’t seen staff do that in Perth, but saw elsewhere…” another said.

      “I work nightfill. You can’t believe the amount of dump stock every damn night,” one Coles employee said.

      “I work at a Coles store and today I found a slashed open tray of chicken breast in the dairy section,” another wrote.

      “As someone who works in nightfill, we find hundreds of dollars of ruined meat and dairy products every single shift. Unfortunately, it’s very common,” said a third.

      Every year, Australia wastes 7.6 million tonnes of food, with 70 per cent of it still perfectly edible.

      What’s the worst thing you’ve found on a supermarket shelf? What do you think of shoppers who leave perishable foods on non-perishable areas? Are you concerned that these food items are put back in place to be picked up by unwary shoppers?

    • #1803949

      This is so common it is almost normal. Add to meat trays things like half-drunk cartons of flavoured milk, half-eaten bars of chocolate, yoghurt, eggs, assorted tins and pack, bags of fruit and veg, in fact, you name it and someone will have dumped it (after walking round having their lunch first).

    • #1803956

      I see this all the time, people (and I use the term loosely) leaving chilled items out. They will get stuff from the deli then see a pre-packaged product and leave the deli stuff somewhere. Unfortunaely it can’t go back then. I saw some headphones in the freezer one day. Yesterday there was a 1.25 litre bottle of coke that someone had opened and drunk about a third of and then left the rest in the meat section. I saw a woman and her kid choosing chips once. They took some, walked about 2 metres and saw an alternative and then put the original selection nowhere near where it should be. I couldn’t believe it. She only had to take 2 steps sideways to do the right thing. I had a go at her, asking how does she think they get back to where they should be. She told me to mind my own business. It is my business I replied. We all pay for your laziness.

    • #1803965

      Human garbage, too lazy to take it back to where they got it, especially chilled or frozen foods, look out anyone I see doing it!!

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