How do Aussies spend their leisure time?

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    • #1830990
      Brad Lockyer

      The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released some interesting data on the ways in which Australians spend their leisure time – and found there are stark differences between the generations.

      The Time Use Survey was compiled in 2020-21 and is used by the ABS to find out how Aussies balance their time between economic, family, social and caring demands.

      The survey divided the population along generational lines, grouping people into Generation Z, Millenials, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Interwar (pre-1945) generations.

      What the data showed was that certain hobbies seem to resonate more with different generations.

      Looking at overall leisure time, the average Aussie spends 17 per cent of their day doing recreation and leisure activities. Breaking it down, the Interwar generation had the most leisure time at 25 per cent, followed by Baby Boomers (20 per cent), Gen Z (19 per cent), Gen X (14 per cent) and finally Millenials (13 per cent).

      The Interwar generation was the most likely to watch TV in their leisure time, with 96 per cent of that group listing it as their main recreational activity. Proving they’re not all square-eyed, the Interwar generation was also most likely to spend their leisure time reading a book.

      Baby Boomers were the second most likely to watch TV, with Boomer men in particular watching almost as much TV as their Interwar elders.

      Generation Z was by far the most likely to spend time playing ‘digital games’ at 22 per cent, this includes playing games on a PC, video games console or mobile phone. Millenials were second in game-playing at around 12 per cent. In all age groups, fewer women played games than men.

      How do you spend your leisure time?

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