Losing our religion

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    • #1712041

      According to the first tranche of data released from the 2021 census, the number of self-identified Christians has dropped below 50 per cent for the first time ever, with just 44 per cent of Australians identifying as Christian, down from 61 per cent in 2011. 

      As expected, the number of Australians identifying as ‘Non-religious” surged to 36 per cent. In the mid 1960s, less than 1 per cent of Australians identified as ‘Non-religious’. 

      Do you still identify as religious? How do you think the switch to a non-religious society will affect future generations of Australians?

    • #1712042

      Trouble with the world and especially Oz is people have lost their way. When I was little we wore our Sunday best and with bibles in hand were marched off to church. It was purgatory sitting on those hard benches listening to the old vicar drone on and on and on.  Had many a good nap in that church. I liked confession time most of all, that’s when I sledged everyone including the vicar, knowing full well whatever I said he could not repeat. As soon as I could I gave this hallowed place a miss, went to India and practised meditation, couldn’t handle the yoga bit much to the disgust of my swami. Nowadays, I attend church once a year. No I am not religious.

      • #1712043

        Are you having a Kyrios moment Lucca!

      • #1712047

        Just read your post Lucca. When it comes to religion, sometimes humour is the way to go. Though not an avid Sunday church goer, I have to say whenever I do make the effort, I always feel some joy.  Love the singing and I try my best, that’s the only place I can belt it out without anyone complaining! On many occasions I have been asked to play my banjo, which I enjoy.

        These days I don’t think the majority would identify as “religious” since more and more people are looking for something else, something more naturistic and spiritual.


    • #1712044

      Being religious usually means gong to church each Sunday and perusing the Bible at every opportunity IMO. Since I do neither of these things on a regular basis, I guess I am not that religious.

      What is more important to me is my spiritual view on life. For me personally, I believe God exists…there is no doubt in my mind… but that belief does not come from reading a historical set  of books like the New and Old Testaments and following it all to a T. It comes from a “knowing” within… how that knowing got there, I do not have a clue… but it is there.

      I worship Nature and everything that Nature provides…I believe…comes from God. Oh…and by the way.. I do not believe God is anything like what the churches have depicted. Guess I’ll have to wait and see when my time comes.

      • #1712048

        The Bible was invented by, and written by men, they wanted a way to control the masses and enrich themselves.


    • #1712045

      I believe G-d is Nature with a capital ‘N’.

    • #1712046

      we would be marched off to Sunday school, which I remember little about, but would return home to saveloys and tomato sauce for lunch in front of the tv watching World Championship Wrestling. And of that, I do remember.

    • #1712049

      Yes we are, and it will make for a better world.  Most religions seem to be centred around hate and entitlement, with a shot of self serving hypocracy mixed in. 

      Most of us can instinctively judge good from bad, we are taught it,  if we are lucky, by mentors as we grow up.  Why do we need thousands of pages of instructions to teach us what is instinctive to most of us?  I am content to use the laws of the land as my instruction manual as to how I should structure my interaction with my fellow humans.

      Spiritualism over religion of any kind for me. 


    • #1712050

      Whilst christianity has dropped, Hinduism is one of the fastest-growing religions in Australia, according to the latest census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

      It’s grown by more than 55 per cent in the last five years and is followed by 2.7 per cent of Australia’s total population.

      According to the ABS, more than 2.5 million people — roughly 10 per cent of the population in 2021 — now report an affiliation with a minority religion.

      That’s an increase of 3.5 per cent over the last 25 years. 

    • #1712051

      Religion brings comfort to millions and millions die because of it.

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