Most common passwords for 2023 revealed

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    • #1819597
      Brad Lockyer

      Keeping your data secure is more difficult than ever these days, but some people make the job even harder by using common, easy-to-crack passwords. They may be easy to remember, but they are a serious security problem.

      Password manger NordPass has released its 2023 list of the world’s most common passwords, and unsurprisingly there are some familiar ones on the list.

      After trawling more than 10.9 terabytes of publicly available data, they fund the world’s most popular password is simply ‘123456’. NordPass says it would take the average hacker less than a second to crack that password.

      In Australia specifically, the most popular password was ‘banned’ and ‘123456’ came in second. ‘Banned’ can hold out longer, but can still be cracked in under two minutes.

      So if you have either of these passwords, it’s definitely time to change things up.
      NordPass says you should choose a password that is at leas 20 characters long and contains a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

    • #1819729
      allan j goodwin


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