Oil and water DO mix, when it comes to cooking eggs

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    • #1806208

      The old saying “oil and water do not mix” rings true in most instances. Except, it seems, when cooking eggs (or when it comes to the process of emulsion, but you’re not here for that).

      Evidently, adding oil to water can help make boiled eggs easier to peel.

      Yep, a tablespoon or two of cooking oil poured into the pot that you’re boiling the eggs in, penetrates the porous shells and somehow lubricates the space between the membrane and the egg white.

      Then, when you peel your eggs, the shells will just slide right off! Well, according to Bowl of Delicious, it’s supposed to a lot easier peel oiled boiled eggs than eggs cooked in water alone.

      I haven’t tried it yet, but I will this weekend and let you know if it works!

      What’s your best eggshell-peeling tip?

    • #1806291

      who on earth can afford to waste oil like this

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