Queen’s scrambled eggs recipe – using two unusual ingredients

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    • #1712669

      Why not treat yourself to a royal breakfast and try this scrambled eggs recipe reportedly beloved by Queen Elizabeth II.

      said she received the royal recipe from an unnamed friend who cooked for Her Majesty several years ago — and it includes two unusual ingredients.

      According to food author Lee Holmes, the Queen enjoyed her eggs with a couple of unusual ingredients added – seasoned with nutmeg and lemon.

      “Ma’am loved to sometimes start the day with a protein-packed breakfast and these eggs were tailored to the way that she particularly liked them,” Holmes explained on her website.

      “Ever since I was given this recipe a few years ago, I’ve been making these eggs on the regular and they are spectacular! I always make them when friends come to stay,” she added.

      Here’s how the Queen’s chef made QEII eggs:
      Crack three organic eggs and add a tablespoon of milk into a bowl. Whisk.
      Pour the mixture into a warm pan, along with a tablespoon of butter.
      Before the eggs set, add lemon zest and nutmeg. Mix on low heat.
      Then, when set, garnish with pepper and chives and serve while hot.

      What’s your preferred way to serve scrambled eggs?

    • #1752145

      Not to sure about the nutmeg to be honest.

    • #1752273

      Not to sure about the nutmeg to be honest.

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